Question about View Only

  • 29 January 2023
  • 1 reply

My issue is that I've created a "team" and invited students in my classes to it. In this version, only the 3 most recent boards are editable. However, students are using this team to create Miro boards for their other classes, so even if I only created 2 boards which I need to maintain as editable, those two boards switch to view-only because students are creating their own boards in the same "team" pushing my boards to view-only. There doesn't seem to be a permission setting to only let the admin create boards in the team. Is there any way to keep my boards as editable in my own team? Or do I need to upgrade to do this?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Julie Hui - With the Free Plan, yes, only the 3 most recently created boards are editable – the rest go into a VIEW-ONLY state.

You have a few options:

  1. Delete all of the students from your team and set the board’s share settings to Anyone with the → Can view, and send them the link to the board – this type of access is called Visitors access. Now the students will no longer be members of your team and therefore cannot create boards in your team, but can still view the board that you shared the link to.
  2. Apply for the Education Plan for Educators – With this plan, you could have a free 10 (or 100 seat) plan, depending on whether you apply for the Student or Educator plan. This plan has almost all of the features as the Starter Plan, including unlimited boards. You can see all of the features here →
    While you could add some students to this plan to be able to edit boards with you, and create their own, you don’t have to in order for them to view a board - you can still use the Visitors access method, and you could even add a password to the board. In addition, if you do not want even more control (and depending on how many students you have), you could add the students directly to the board using the Guests feature, giving them View or Comment access.
    Apply for the Education Plan here (for for Educator!) →
    If approved, your current Free Plan team will be upgraded to the Education Plan, and any existing team members will be added as team members (as long as the number of existing Team Members is less than the allowed number of seats for the plan). So, I would suggest that you first delete all team members from your Free Plan team before applying for the Education Plan).
    NOTE: If you do add other users as members of your Education Plan, I suggest that you read this post →
  3. Upgrade/create new paid team – If you are not accepted for a free Education Plan, you can upgrade to either the Stater or Business Plan. However, again, delete all users from your team before upgrading otherwise the system will want you to pay for a license for every member of the team you are upgrading. You can also create a whole new paid team using the Add teams action:

Let us know if you have any questions!
