Problems with extracting pages from a PDF file

  • 14 March 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi - I’ve been encountering a few problems over the past couple of months after two pretty much seamless years on Miro.  The most recent one is to do with uploading documents. I regularly upload documents (mostly PDFs) onto boards and then extract all the pages to make annotation easier. Recently I have noticed that the upload is taking a VERY long time (so long that I often end up uploading it twice as I assume it hasn’t worked). When the upload is finished and I extract the pages, each page is in fact a duplicate of the whole document. So if I upload an 8 page document, I will end up with 9 copies on the board, each turned to a different page. Has something changed? This never used to happen and I think it is slowing down my boards enormously.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

1 reply

Can I shamelessly bump this please? Could really do with some help or advice, it’s causing real problems.


Thank you!
