New mouse functionality - is there an option to revert back to the old control scheme?

  • 22 December 2021
  • 42 replies

Userlevel 3

I’m at a loss as to why miro decided how people should use their mouse or trackpad.

I am now required to use the opposite button on the mouse to navigate the board...why can’t the user decide??

It’s not a real question for the community, rather a comment about user experience.

42 replies

After 8 months ignoring our very clear feedback to give us (back) the option to move around the board by pressing the LEFT mouse button (only), I will stopp using miro. 

I was one of the first lecturers at our (top rated) university using miro, was a fan. 


All of the UX improvements we are implementing are optimized for reducing accidental content creation and editing, and decreasing the complexity as much as we can.​​​​​

This ambition is something you might want to reevaluate as the dumbing down of the experience for new users, is seriously impacting productivity.  And when you are a regular user, productivity matters, a lot, 

No longer being able to double click and create an extra sticky for example,, or having to press and wait for the precise selection to show tool up, has a massive impact on regular users, They are being slowed down again, again, and again, while the benefits for a novice are quite limited.

An accidental sticky is quickly deleted, while providing a ctrl+  shortcut for the selection tool would hardly get in the way. And yet here update after update we are being slowed down in our daily work, because the only miro user that matters these days is the novice user. 

Userlevel 1

Same for me. I start trying to move around with right mouse button in GoogleMaps, Mural and other tools. Absolute failure! 

It is like this:

For all cars you need to push the “clutch pedal”. But there is one manufacture that thinks pulling is the better option, so you get not confused with the break…

Userlevel 1

What makes me angry: i slowly get used to the new control, but now if i go to any other sites (Google map or similar maps) i try to move with right click but it has a totally different function. :triumph:


Please give option to select the old method!


Userlevel 4

I don’t fully understand the comments here… The middle button (used with left finger) will drag the canvas, otherwise you can use the space bar (not super fun but another option) and finally you can get used to the right button. Perhaps being a long-term Adobe Creative Suite/Cloud user got me used to what miro just decided to apply, but it’s not a bad move to replicate some features giants like Adobe tested for decades ! In fact, with the right click drag, miro just went a step further. I guess it’s a matter of perspective :)

Most software uses left click drag :) To clarify, I think the comments here are regarding the vast majority of people finding the controls unintuitive. It’s awesome you like the update though! You’re the first person I met that does.

Userlevel 1

I don’t fully understand the comments here… The middle button (used with left finger) will drag the canvas, otherwise you can use the space bar (not super fun but another option) and finally you can get used to the right button. Perhaps being a long-term Adobe Creative Suite/Cloud user got me used to what miro just decided to apply, but it’s not a bad move to replicate some features giants like Adobe tested for decades ! In fact, with the right click drag, miro just went a step further. I guess it’s a matter of perspective :)


Even after a month of using Miro in its “new way”, I must say it still really sucks.  I know of no one so far that likes the changes.  Unfortunately, as much as we gripe about it, it is just falling on deaf ears.  Having a Miro Community kind of loses its purpose if this simply sits here while the Miro team just has a good laugh... and of course the larger population of Miro users that are frustrated are not saying anything to Miro about it… I guess these will be my last words about this.  Congratulations Miro, you win!!!

My usage of Miro over the last few weeks is slow and not as seamless as before. I do endless mind maps and presentations with Miro. Very disappointed, poor choice. Undo this change or make it configurable

Userlevel 1

Totally agree! Many of these shortcuts in our workflow were suddenly changed. Have you tested with long time users? Miro was my favorite tool and right now it is messing up my work flow - very frustrating!


I’m a new user that joined right around the time this update released and having the hardest time getting used to it. As a designer that uses multiple tools similar to Miro where you need to pan and zoom around a large boards, I have never come across a tool that navigates this way. I switch between whiteboard tools and design tools but because Miro decided to be different, I keep reverting back to scrolling on my mouse wheel to pan up and down and it’s really annoying to end up zooming. I can see that maybe new users that aren’t accustomed to tools like Miro may find this easier because they don’t need shortcut keys to pan/zoom, but users like me may find it annoying to relearn it every time they switch to Miro.

I would like to ask for an option in the setting to choose which method of navigation we want to use. Please.

Userlevel 1

I understand how UX people try to improve a product, i see this daily basis, but this change is terrible. 

So hard to get to used this new control. 

Please give option to decide ourselves (i never understood why UX consultants want to decide what the user want).



Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Connor Wakefield -

I’ve been using it extensively for a few days and am still defaulting to the left button and having to remind myself to switch. Its less irritating with an external mouse, but I find it more of a challenge with the left/right zones of my trackpad.

I would really love to see this as a user selectable preference...


Userlevel 4

Has anyone found the new mouse functions to be easier to use now that it has been about a month that the change was put in place?

Userlevel 1

I have to say, I’m incredibly unimpressed with the feedback users have been receiving in this thread. Basically just “nope, we’re not switching back, get used to it”. I’m baffled. 

Why would Miro implement such a drastic change, to solve an issue very few users were allegedly complaining of? At the very least, make it optional! 

I was in love with this software and could see myself using it long-term, but I can guarantee that once this semester is over, I’m deleting it, and will not be recommending it. 

Userlevel 1

Often I had moved stuff accidentially. So in general it is a good idea to find another navigation mode. I have two problems with the right mouse button:

  1. When I release the right mouse button it does stay in moving mode. Need to click again, to leave :-(
  2. There is a collision with browser gestures, that are triggerd with right mouse button. Tabs close and open accidentially :-(


Pleeeeeaaaase fix this Miro!

It’s a really an extremely annoying change and cannot seem to get use to it


I submitted a ticket to the service desk, this is the response I got which doesn't indicate anything useful... (just the answer any politician would give...) I would encourage people to make their voices heard, otherwise we will be trapped into this so called "optimized" enhancement that completely kills productivity and flow...

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback! The behavior you describe is a user experience improvement our team released on December 22, 2021, we are sorry to hear it is an inconvenience for you.

This update was thoroughly tested before being released to all Miro users, and we are confident it makes our product more intuitive. Previously, double-click on Miro boards created a new sticky note, text widget, shape, or card depending on what’s been used the latest. We deprecated this behavior because it was not something the majority of users expected, and created friction for them as they used to accidentally add unwanted content and had to delete it.

All of the UX improvements we are implementing are optimized for reducing accidental content creation and editing, and decreasing the complexity as much as we can. If there is a way for us to eliminate extra steps that are too complicated for the majority of users (such as remembering to use specific hotkeys), we try to do this, whenever possible.

That being said, we’re always open to feedback: please, let us know how we can improve:
· Can we do a better job communicating such updates in the future and onboarding you into the new patterns & behaviors we introduce to our product?
· Is there something critical you are now unable to accomplish because of the recent update?

Please, provide as many details as possible, and I will make sure to share your feedback with the product team.

We also encourage you to give this update some time – try using it for a few days, and let us know if it’s still not working for you. It’s very likely that it’s here to stay, and we’ll definitely let you know if we implement any changes based on the feedback you and other users provided us.

We recommend checking Help Center & Miro changelog for updates about such UX improvements in the future – we document such changes there.

Agreed! It might be a deal breaker for me. I used Miro so effortlessly before and now it’s very clunky, laggy, and unintuitive. I’m shocked that there’s not a setting that allows users to revert back to the old way. 

Any word from Miro Product team on this?


Please change this back!  Completely unintuitive!  Our clients will be discouraged to continue using the platform!

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

@Jacob Hernandez thanks for your input, I responded to you feedback in this thread, adding here for visibility.

@James Bellamy thanks for sharing your perspective :bow:  I’m definitely sharing it with the product team along with the rest of the feedback from the community members!


I agree with @Pekka Immonen - I used to do the same thing to navigate on a Mac trackpad with two fingers, very likely because I spend a lot more time on Google Maps than on Miro. While I have indeed got used to this change, it doesn’t mean I like it. It’s less onerous with a real mouse for sure, but on a trackpad, it’s significantly less delightful than before, in my opinion. The fact that Miro didn’t do what you now do is one of the reasons I chose it - it used to be super fast to navigate. No longer.

As for accidental input, that’s what undo is for, no?

Anyway, not to blow it out of all proportion. It’s still great software. Just one of life’s micro disappointments that something you like got a little bit worse.

This update was thoroughly tested before being released to all Miro users, and we are confident it makes our product more delightful and intuitive. 


@Lena Shenkarenko we’re telling you right here in this thread that we are not delighted and that it isn’t intuitive. Listen to your users. We’re literally telling you this isn’t the case.

You should provide a way to switch back to the old mechanism.

The new one is causing physical strain because it goes against normal navigation schemes for software. Additionally, because Miro has chosen to be different (and argumentative with user feedback) I have users at my company who are being forced to switch back and forth between control schemes with Miro and other software. 

I am not delighted.

I am dismayed.

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

@Pekka Immonen thanks for flagging this – I’m going to double check with the product team if this is expected, and get back to you! 

I can also add that as a MacBook user I had developed a very efficient way too navigate around by zooming out and back in again using two fingers on trackpad. Actually just like in Google Maps. Now it’s gone. Pinch zoom feels way much heavier to work around the board.

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

@colin carroll We are currently aggregating all of the feedback, and I will make sure to surface your point of view together with all other questions and concerns raised in the community to the product team. Thank you for bearing with us, I’ll come back with an update when I have one! 
