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My Boards disappeared from my Miro account, and I am the owner of the Boards

  • 19 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Good afternoon, my Miro account is Free, and all my boards have disappeared from my account, and I am the owner of the Boards, now only one team appears in my account, attached is the message that appears asking for authorization, and I own the Boards, what do I do? Please help me! 

And no, I don't have another Miro account.


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Nicole Bidigaray

and all my boards have disappeared from my account, and I am the owner of the Boards, now only one team appears in my account

While you were the owner of the boards at one time, from what you are describing, a Team Admin of the team space where you created the boards has deleted you from the team, and the boards are now owned by someone else, and could quite like be in the Trash (and if they are in the Trash, only the new owner can restore them by trying to open them by the link).

To have access to these boars again, one of the following would need to happen:

  1. you would need to be added back to the team
  2. a team member of the team where you created the boards could change the board’s Visitor/public access  to “Can view”:

    … and since you still have the links to the boards, you could then open them, click on the board title, and use the Duplicate action to make a copy of the boards.


But that's the problem, I'm the owner of the Board, the Board wasn't on another team, and I still gave permission for two more people to have access to my Board for months, and now it's gone like this, what do I do? I should have made this copy before, if I knew this could happen, can this be resolved if I make a paid Miro account?

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Nicole Bidigaray - If you are seeing the message you shared, then you are signed into Miro as the email address shown n your screenshot (which I blurred out for security and privacy reasons). With this in mind, and since (as you stated) you only had one Miro account, then the board you were trying to load is no longer owned by the Miro account profile, which means you are no longer the board owner.

Miro boards are bound to the team space in which they are created, unless the board owner moves them to another space to which they are a member of (an exception being if the home space belongs to an Enterprise Plan subscription of which a Company Admin has blocked owners from moving boards out of the Enterprise subscription).


what do I do? can this be resolved if I make a paid Miro account?

Unfortunately, purchasing a paid subscription will not resolve the issue. You will need to follow the steps in my previous reply and you will need someone who is still a member of the team space where these boards are to help you.
