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Miro Bandwidth Consumption and Video Freezing

  • 2 December 2020
  • 1 reply

We’ve been having issues with Zoom or Teams video glitching (faces get frozen on screen) when using Miro, and after doing some packet sniffing I found that Miro uses TCP and consumes A LOT of bandwidth, even on small boards, mostly due to how it bursts and reassembles packets. Zoom and Teams both use UDP (the protocol designed for media streaming), yet I was surprised to discover that Miro uses TCP, which always wins over UDP. I noticed that your published system requirements recommend 8mb/s, yet most of us with Comcast max out at 6mb/s, so what I’m wondering if there’s a way to throttle Miro usage to leave a couple mb/s available for Zoom or Teams? Can that be built into the app? The issue is bad enough with our client calls that we’re considering not using Miro anymore as a result, and as one of the Miro champions in the company I would hate to see that happen.


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Scott Griggs,

Thank you for this feedback! I’m terribly sorry, but not sure we have a workaround/solution to this case :pensive:  

I’ll definitely let the engineers know about the issues you are experiencing. I hope we can take it into account for our further development.


If you have further specific technical questions, I’d recommend reaching out to the Support team directly via the Submit a request form.
