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For a couple of days when editing a mind map the return key not only creates a sibling node as intended but also creates a new line which screws up the layout.

Here I typed “Sibling1” Return “Sibling” Shift+Return “2” Return “Sibling3”.

I use Miro on Windows 11 in Firefox.

Is this a bug or am I doing anything wrong?

hi @supiflo 

Not sure if I’m understanding this correctly but hitting Return inside a node is meant to create a sibling node. More details here:

If you want to create a second line inside the node’s text box, hit shift+return to add a line break inside the box. Does this answer your question?

Hi @elvaMiro, thanks for the answer. I know return should create a new sibling. This is what I want to do in this case.

But hitting Return also creates a new line in the active node. This is not what I want.

A workaround is to exit a node first like “sibling2”, ESC, Return, Return, “sibling3” but thats not the easy flow I like in Miro.

I tried Firefox, Chrome and Firefox on another system. Same result.

Hi @supiflo 

Other users have reported the same issue with the nodes. Our team is aware of this behavior, and we're actively investigating a solution. In the meantime, you can try the following as a temporary workaround:

  • Shift + Enter: This should help if you're looking to add a new line within the same node.
  • Enter: Ideally, this creates a new node on its own, but if you're seeing both a new line and a node, our team will address that bug soon.
