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I had created a board  and while checking share settings so I can share its link, I clicked on dropdown no access. I am now unable to access my own board. I am also the admin of the company Miro and cant see/access my own board.

I had by mistake clicked on 'no access'
please help get this board back since a lot of important information is in this board. Pls help.

I opened support request and waiting to hear. 

@HGB - I am not an employee of Miro and do not have access to Miro’s support ticketing system.

Hello @Robert Johnson I use official email to access it and no other email. I am the admin of the whole company and this is my board. I had opened a support ticket this morning. I have not heard back from Miro support. I can give you the support ticket number here if you can investigate

I suppose one last thing to consider is: Do you signed into Miro with more than one email address? It is possible that the board could be owned by that other Miro account profile.

@HGB - If you are the board owner but cannot open it, unfortunately the community will not be able to help. You will need to open a Miro support ticket to have them investigate.

learning center → Get help → Support


Hello Robert @Robert Johnson 

I am the owner of the board and when I used the URL to get access again from my past emails, I could click on the board to open but saw lock icon. I clicked on the button to request access, I see a message that email has been sent to the owner. I don't see any email coming to me.

I am attaching screenshots for you. This board has very important content and I need to get it. I am happy to do a screen share with you and try to resolve it.


@HGB - The board owner can always see the board, so I am very curious as to how you were able to do this.

Initially is sounds like you had edit access to a board and the changed the Team access to board to No access, e.g.:

Please try to re-create this by

  1. creating a brand new board, e.g., call it TEST BOARD,
  2. take a screenshot of being able to see board in your dashboard
  3. copy the board URL to your clipboard
  4. change the Team access to board (or whatever option you used before) to No access
  5. and check if the board has disappeared from your dashboard again. If so, try to open it using the URL that is in your clipboard.


  • What plan type do you have?
  • Can anyone else see the board? Even if you are a Team or Company Admin, you won’t be able to see other boards that are not owned by you and where the Team access to board is set to No access.
