I love that you can embed web content within an iframe on a Miro board, but I have a few problems. I am unsure if this is a limitation of Miro or if I am missing something.
I started by trying to embed a widget from my CodePen sandbox, and it generally works. However, the aspect ratio locks at 16:9. I have made several attempts with different iterations of the <iframe> tag. I have even tried pasting the naked URL into Miro’s embed code field.
I also sampled numerous random URLs of simple web pages to see what would happen, and each attempt resulted in a generic 16:9 box with a default thumbnail image. I cannot change the aspect ratio of that embedded iframe. Every single one of them locks at 16:9.
Sometimes, the thumbnail image represents the content from the embedded link. Usually, it displays the generic thumbnail image.
No matter what, every single iFrame embed I attempt has a locked aspect ratio of 16:9.
There is a definite use case to allow a user to create an embedded iFrame that is not 16:9.
Is there a solution to this that I am not aware of?
Thanks to anyone who can help!