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I used to be a fan of Miro, until I got stuck in a billing support nightmare.

  • 1 August 2023
  • 0 replies

I used to be a fan of Miro, until our account was up for renewal in May. That’s when my faith in Miro completely plummeted. Here’s my story….

We’ve been using Miro for 3 years now. When our account came up for renewal in May, there was a little delay in getting finance to approve it. We went back and forth with support and our account went in and out of being frozen. I understand that Miro doesn’t want delinquent customers to keep using it for free. On our end, we eventually got the $4000 payment approved and the PO was submitted and our account was unlocked. During this time, communicating with billing support was very slow. We would get a response, at the most once a day.  We asked for a phone number or someone to talk to live, but was never provided with that. It was extremely frustrating, because our boards were locked and we couldn’t do our job! After about 2 weeks of back and forth emails with support, we were notified that our payment has been received and our account was unlocked. Whew! That was in late May. Then about a month later, we received another message saying we hadn’t paid. Talking to billing support, they said the money was submitted to the wrong account number and we needed to call our bank and cancel the payment and resubmit. It all seemed really convoluted and unprofessional. Why was it approved and then not?

We spent the month of July getting it figured out. On 7/28 we get an email that our payment has been received. The payment they couldn’t find was mysteriously found. We were even sent a receipt that it had been paid! Great. So all of this is behind us, right? Nope….On 7/31 when I went to log in it said we haven’t paid and our account is locked again. This time support is saying this:

“Indeed, we worked with our billing provider, Stripe, and managed to locate the payment. It has now been applied to the subscription for the Hawkeye Miro organization. Since the funds were received after the subscription cancellation, and it is technically not possible to reactivate canceled subscription, I'd propose creating a new subscription (this will be done on the backend). Since it will be a new billing year, you will receive an additional invoice for the period when the Hawkeye Miro organization remained active. “

Now we’re waiting for our maybe once a day response from support asking if this is on them (Miro) to resolved this issue. Why do we have to open up another account? And if we do, what happens to the 100+ boards we have on our frozen account? Meanwhile, our account is frozen. AGAIN! At this point, we’re about ready to drop Miro. I really like the product, but if we can’t access our account even though we paid them $4000, then we have to move on. Anyone else having issues with billing support?

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