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How to determine where a user enters a board

  • 8 April 2020
  • 7 replies

We’ve created this great flow to walk people through on our board. I would like people to enter at the beginning and not just to a random place or seeing the whole board. How might I do that?

Thanks in advance!


7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hey @David Culton 

You can definitely do that. When you select the share option, enter the email address, then select share, you should see the option to set your own start view.


You can also access this option from the settings.


Userlevel 2

Awesome! Thank you...just what I needed. I also found that I could do that as I was inviting them using the Share button (the last screen allowed me to set the initial view.)



Userlevel 1

Is there a way to do this for people who have already been invited to the board? My teams use single boards for multiple meetings, and it would be nice to bring them immediately to the current meeting’s section

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@aortlieb -

Why not just use the Bring Everyone To Me command (as detailed here when you are ready to have everyone start?


Userlevel 1

@aortlieb -

Why not just use the Bring Everyone To Me command (as detailed here when you are ready to have everyone start?


Because not everyone joins on time or people can only make part of a meeting. I just had a meeting this morning where someone went to the wrong board first, and so they got to the correct one late, after I had already used the Bring Everyone to Me command, so he was lost for a while until I used the command a second time. With one person, it’s not very disruptive, but doing that multiple times during big meetings is very disruptive.

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

@aortlieb It’s disruptive when someone is late to a meeting regardless of the venue :joy:

The real question is, how can we get people who show up on time? Lol!

Maybe just select the “Bring everyone to me” when the late person arrives. Or they should select the leader’s avatar?

Userlevel 1

Yes, the current ‘Set start view’ only does this for the very first time each user enters the board. Each time they come back after it returns to their last view.

Instead of (or in addition to) “‘Set start view for first visit” it would be great to have ‘Set new start view for all” (regardless of whether they’ve visited before or not.

This would mean that if you’re working on your board over multiple sessions (particularly if it grows between each sessions) you can bring people to the most appropriate place for each sessions!
