How does a Team Admin delete another members' board?

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Completely agree with the above comments. Please can this be prioritised? It should be core functionality for a Team Admin.

I’m just finding out Company Admins do not have admin permissions to manage company data.

As a Company Admin, I cannot adjust users on a Project where I’m not the Owner, nor can I add myself to the Project as an Owner. I need to ask whoever the Owner is to add me as a Co-Owner, before I can do anything with the Project.

This isn’t how “admin” works on other software we use...

Why can’t Company Admins have control over their company’s data?

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Colin McCroskey - If you are a Company Admin of an Enterprise Plan, you will want to review this article → Content Admin permissions for Company Admins


And here’s a further breakdown of all admin roles in Miro →

This is ridiculous. I am the team admin and many people created untitled boards that I would like to cleanup. Now I need to contact them 1 by 1 for them to delete or give me access. Too much friction! Result: I leave the clutter as it is. Very frustrating!

The good news - we are currently working on the functionality for Company Admins on the Enterprise Plan to be able to manage content within the organization. :wink:

This is really needed for our organization to continue working with Miro as a daily tool.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Christophe Meray - Depending on the number of Team Members and how new they are/how many boards they have created, you could delete and re-add them to the team. During this process, you could chose to become the owner of their boards, delete what you don’t want, and then make the owner of any boards that they did want to keep.

I completely understand if you don’t want to go through with all of that. Moving forward, I would suggest that you make a change in your Team profile → Permissions → Board/Project default Sharing settings so that every new board or Project created in only visible/accessible by the team member who creates it, i.e., everything remains private. Then,  once created, the team member would choose who they wanted to have access to the board or Project.

You can find these settings by:

  1. using the Team profile settings button:
  2. Selecting Permissions and scrolling down to Sharing settings → Board and Project:



Userlevel 1

I am the admin (or super admin?) of Miro in my company 

I wish to delete a board that was made by another owner (he is no longer working etc.) 
But I see no option to do that 
Do I have any way to overwrite this ? 


Thanks in advance 


Eyal Ganor 

Hi @Erik Wright, thanks for sharing your use case! You are right, for now, only board owners can delete their boards.

The good news - we are currently working on the functionality for Company Admins on the Enterprise Plan to be able to manage content within the organization. :wink:

Hi Marina, 

We have just started exploring Miro and as I advocate for its use in the company under the free plan so that I can get the business case together, people create boards and I  (As the admin of the free plan) cannot delete them. 

That’s fine for free while exploring, I guess, but I would have expected this ability of a team admin to delete other people’s boards (in an auditable way, perhaps soft delete etc etc) to be a basic permission in the paid plans. An incentive to sign up. Not an incentive to pay double for the Enterprise plan though. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi there,

I hear you all! Please feel free to upvote the idea here - and add your comments to that thread as well.

Thank you :slight_smile:
