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I’m in the process of converting a PowerPoint deck into Miro and was wondering how people used facilitator notes on their Miro boards?

I can take a transparent approach and keep everything visible, but i also like the idea of having some notes for facilitator eyes only.

Does anyone have a solutions for this? I was thinking about the possibility of using hidden frames too..

I’d really like such a feature inside the board as well. Specially for facilitating workshops with clients this would be quite helpful!

I’d like to throw my hat into the ring as well on this. I think that hidden notes are essential whether you are a facilitator, or leading a collaboration across multiple sites. Having two monitors is not always the easiest option as for one thing people can see you taking your attention elsewhere.

At present, I use a split screen on one monitor, with the board open on one side and notes on the other side but it can get a bit squished, and my desk won’t hold a 50 inch monitor!! 😂

A presenter view would be just perfect like the one in ppnt.

On the whole though, Miro has revolutionised my online facilitation space - Thank you Team Miro! 💋💗

@Jesh macDonald -

I’d echo @Robert Johnson’s suggestion to have a duplicate of your class board and just add the notes in text boxes under the frames. Of course, this would likely require a dual screen setup so that you could have your instructor board on one screen and the (shared) class board on the other.


@Jesh macDonald - While there is currently no way to have private items on a board, one option for storing notes that keeps them off of the board itself unless a user explicitly opens it is the Visual Notes pane.

A few things to note about the Visual Notes pane:

  • When you have the visual notes pane open, it does not open for the rest of the board participants.
  • The first time someone else opens your board and there are notes in the pane, the pane does open (perhaps not ideal in your use case). You could instruct them all to just close it. The next time they open the board, the pane stays closed. If you make updates in the pane, they will just see a little blue dot:
  • If you have the visual notes pane open and then use the board’s Screen Sharing feature, a lite version of the pane will be displayed to anyone who joins your screens share.
  • The visual notes pane stays open while you’re in presentation mode.

I have also resorted to using a whole other Miro board for my notes and had that board open on my other monitor.

There is a new Presenter Notes feature showing up in beta.

The notes panel opens in a new window, so it can be on an different screen altogether from the Miro board/presentation.

More info here:

Facilitator notes would be a perfect addition to the Smart Meetings feature!

Thanks for taking the time to submit this idea @Jesh macDonald! We’ve made some updates to Workshop & Presentation features that I think you might find helpful here and can’t wait to share more with you soon!

To learn more about this feature and all other Miro product updates, join us on March 13 or 14, for our What’s New Product Webinar. You’ll hear directly from our Product Marketing team about how you can use these features to just make work, flow!


Hope to see you there too @Said Saddouk @Veit Hailperin @Véronique Carbonneau @PTrick 😉👋🏿

@Said Saddouk Like With you scrable game, do you think a facilitator could create frames (linked to breakoutrooms) and use it do collaborate with others ?

@Said Saddouk Like With you scrable game, do you think a facilitator could create frames (linked to breakoutrooms) and use it do collaborate with others ?


It depends on if I understood your use case correctly 😁

You can create a frame, that will represent the area of the board the participants can view and navigate in. Everything outside of that frame can be hidden for them. The downside is, that you have to put everybode in that breakoutframe. 

As far as I tested this feature, if somebody leaves the board or joins during an ongoing meeting, he/she would see the whole infinite board until you lock them into the breakout frame again.

I will be using the breakout frames feature in my upcoming event and see how it works with multiple participants hopping between different frames.

But I'm sure there are ways to create a workaround that suits your needs.


Rgrds Said
