
Finding a board in the app instead of using the link

  • 5 August 2021
  • 1 reply

I participated in a workshop where the facilitator used Miro. He sent everyone a link. Every time I want to re-open this board I need to find the link, and it’s a pain. I can star the board to make it easier to find, but what I really want to do is figure out where the board is in the Miro app. How do I know what team it’s in? What if I’m not a member of that team? Is the link / start the only methods available to get back to the board??

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@This is Jen - For privacy & security purposes, non-team members will not be able to see this information. For example, when I click on the board name (to open the board details* window) for a board in which I am a guest on, I cannot see the board owner, team, or project location information:


*You may not even be able to open the board details window if the Board Content Settings are not configured to allow for it.

Your only options to get back to the board are by using the link or by starring it.

Starring a board

For those readers who didn’t now, if you are a registered Miro user, when you are on a board you can bookmark a board by clicking on the star to the right of the name and then find starred boards on the Starred boards page from your dashboard.

