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My team and I have been using the same Miro board for developing our roadmaps for different companies, but now we want to make it available for other teams throught embedding it in a sharepoint portal - a different one for each company. However, when I first tried to try it, the link was still allowing to navegate around the board . Is there anyway I can embed a specific frame so each company will only see their roadmap? 

Thank you! 

@Ana Carolina Moura - This is not currently possible. There is an existing Wish List Idea post requesting this functionality that you may want to upvote:

Your ideal workaround to limit the embedded board to a single frame will be to copy the single frame to its own board.

Another workaround is to embed the board in Presentation Mode. To display the correct frame on the embedded board, you can either:

  1. Moving the desired frame to the top of the frames panel  - this will cause it to be displayed first.
  2. update the embed code to start at your desired frame by getting the frame’s object ID - this can be done by using the “Copy link” feature for the frame you want, and then putting that frame ID in the embed code.

Here is a post with some examples of what I have outlined above:

And here is an example in action where I embedded a board using the Presentation embed code, specifying frame # 2 of 4 as the start frame:

Thank you! That will be very helpful! I’ll try implementing it. 
