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Edit Font Toolbar Disappears when I select a portion of text within a table

  • 21 September 2023
  • 0 replies

I created a table and in the table I have several rows and columns with text.  Within each cell, I use orange font to call out systems and tools and bold for key terms. This has been working fine for several days, but then yesterday every time I clicked within a cell and only selected a portion of the text, the edit toolbar (add columns or rows, change font type, size, bold, indentation, color, highlighting) would disappear and instead a different one would pop up that just says (edit, duplicate, delete).


If I click ‘edit’, it just moves my cursor to the end of the text in that cell.  


If I click the entire cell, I can see the edit toolbar I want, but as soon as I select a portion of the text, it disappears and the other toolbar pops up.


Any ideas of why is this happening all of sudden and how I can fix it?


I’ve asked another colleague who has access to the board too and he’s now having the same issue too.

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