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Hi there,

My company is an Australian based company and as per as its policy all company related info/dats need to be stored in savers which are located in Australia.

We are interested in upgrading our Miro account and we’d like to confirm if you can store our informmation on severs which are located in Australia.




@Afra -

Based on this help center article I’m not sure this is possible ( but you may wish to contact to be 100% sure.


@Afra a Did we hear back on this from Sales ???

I’m interested too.

Thanks :-)

I have the same question, has an answer been provided for this?


Hi all,

@Kiron Bondale accurately pointed out the proper Help article, which clarifies that Miro maintains all production data within the EU (Ireland) and US (Virginia). Additionally, all data transfers conform to EU/US General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements under the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs).

Miro does not currently offer localized data storage, but we are dedicated to data privacy and security and strive to keep our security practices on par with industry leaders. Here is a brief overview of what we currently have:

  • Production servers are in a dedicated network (we host at AWS using EC2, S3, ELB, EBS, KMS);
  • Access to production servers is carried out via a VPN by Miro employees;
  • Users receive data over HTTPS (TLS 1.2 or higher);
  • Hourly backups are stored in 3 data centers, all backups are encrypted (AES-256);
  • File systems with user data are stored on logically segmented encrypted volumes;
  • Database files are secured in full compliance with FIPS 140-2 encryption standards;
  • All servers have a firewall configured;
  • All actions of employees and applications are logged (AWS).

For more information on security, you may have a look at this page:


@Afra @Simon Browne @Melinda Dobai 


From this website :,Amazon%20Web%20Services%20(AWS). 


it says  (my bold and underlined)


Miro offers data centres worldwide. Unless requested, data is stored in Ireland, EU, with the backup data centre located in Virginia, US. Data is hosted within Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS protects data with confidentiality and privacy while following worldwide security standards and regulations.


We are working with a large government based client and need Miro data stored in Australia to be able to use it or will need to work with a different tool. (dont want to have to)


Could you possibly let me know if we can request our data to be stored in Australia ?


Kind regards,





I would also like to know the answer to this question - how to request Australia located data hosting.



Can we please have a stated position for Data residency in Australia as this a key requirement when working with a State based government agency. 

For those in Australia, it would be best to talk to your CSM. They are best-suited to provide the APAC plans for data sovereignty. 

Hi Paul.  We do not have an appointed CSM as we are not an enterprise customer, instead we are a business/consultant plan. We however do work with enterprise based clients.  Please note we have raised the issue via the support team, and survey. We are simply chasing as its starting to impact procurement requirements and moving to an enterprise plan does not work for a consultant based business that has multiple clients.

Canadian Government Clients would also need such functionality.  They also have the need to secure the store and compute up to Protected B.  There is an AWS cloud with Canadian data residency guarantees that they already use, so it seems it could be done if Miro is willing.
