Copy Style (Cmd+option+c not) working

  • 25 March 2021
  • 6 replies

Is it just me, or is the ‘copy style’ not working? I can perfectly

  1. right click on an element
  2. choose copy style from the menu
  3. click on another element and paste the style with the shortcut cmd+option+v

But I can’t replace the second step by shortcut cmd+option+c. It just doesn’t copy it and pastes whatever I have on clipboard from before. Working in the Miro App on latest macOS.

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hey @Silver works perfectly on mine, just tested on the app on a 2020 MBP.

@Robert Johnson Just found another feature in this thread that I didn’t know about/overlooked LOL

Thanks @Isman Tanuri for letting me know! That’s really strange and kind of annoying but I keep searching what else it could be then..

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hey @Silver works perfectly on mine, just tested on the app on a 2020 MBP.

@Robert Johnson Just found another feature in this thread that I didn’t know about/overlooked LOL

Same here! Miro must have just added this feature today, right? :wink:

Same issue here. cmd + option + v works fine though.

I tested Chrome Version 112.0.5615.137 (Official Build) (arm64) and Safari Version 16.3 (18614.

Is it just me, or is the ‘copy style’ not working? I can perfectly

  1. right click on an element
  2. choose copy style from the menu
  3. click on another element and paste the style with the shortcut cmd+option+v

But I can’t replace the second step by shortcut cmd+option+c. It just doesn’t copy it and pastes whatever I have on clipboard from before. Working in the Miro App on latest macOS.

Check if the shortcut key combination for copying the style (cmd+option+c) conflicts with any other system or application shortcuts. You can try changing the shortcut to see if that resolves the issue. 

Is it just me, or is the ‘copy style’ not working? I can perfectly

  1. right click on an element
  2. choose copy style from the menu
  3. click on another element and paste the style with the shortcut cmd+option+v

But I can’t replace the second step by shortcut cmd+option+c. It just doesn’t copy it and pastes whatever I have on clipboard from before. Working in the Miro App on latest macOS.

Are your sure that are using the correct shortcut as specified by Miro. If the shortcut is not working as expected, it could be due to a compatibility issue between the Miro App and your macOS version. It's recommended to check if there are any updates available for the Miro App and ensure that your macOS is up to date. If the issue persists, you can try resetting the Miro App preferences or reinstalling the application. 
