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I have been a Miro user for a few years. As a Content Design mentor I get invited to many student boards through their teams. I have now realized that I only have access to the teams I was invited to however I cannot access my boards that I created previously.
On my Home page I can access a dropdown with all those teams and a button that says “Create Team” however no sign of my boards created previously. 

I haven’t created a new account and always used the same email. 

This is not a case of me sharing my board with others and losing access. This is me directly not seeing those boards on my account. It’s been a few years that I created them and I can’t remember the names. Going to my user profile doesn’t help either. 

How can I access my personal boards?

hi @Hana 

Sorry to hear you’re having issues. Miro star Robert Johnson created this very helpful article for people who have lost their boards, and he outlines multiple things to try.

Take a look; hopefully you find this helpful. 
