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Hello, I have a question on the billing plans
Most (80%) of our organisation are very OK with the standard plan of Miro.
But 20% could benefit the Business features because they are a lot more customer-facing and thus share a lot with different teams. Is it possible to have 2 plans in the same organisation ? 
If yes, can they still access the same boards ?

@Philippe Vlaemminck 

Most (80%) of our organisation are very OK with the standard plan of Miro.

By “standard”, do you mean Free Plan, or Starter Plan?


Is it possible to have 2 plans in the same organisation ?

Unless you have the Enterprise Plan subscription of Miro, with domain control enabled, then, yes, it is possible to have as many different subscriptions as you’d like as Miro will have no reference/context as to your “organisation”.


can they still access the same boards ?

In order to access a board in a plan/team space that you are not a member/paid licence user of, you can only access the boards for edit using either the Visitors feature (available for the all plans except for the Free Plan), or the Guests feature (available for Business and Enterprise Plans). More on Visitors, guests, and members here →

Thanks ! Indeed we have the Stater Plan right now.
Your return makes things very clear. Thanks a lot.
