Call for accessible Miro templates

  • 10 November 2021
  • 1 reply

Dear Miro Community,


My organization seeks to make all aspects of our digital work and collaboration accessible. We want to select a platform that conforms to our beliefs that everyone on the team should be able to participate.


As a user of Miro I am looking for templates or hacks that will allow us to share boards and collaborate with colleagues and design partners who need keyboard readers and other assistive technology.


Can you please help me with your recommendations and board strategies?


Thank you,



1 reply

As a user of Miro I am looking for templates or hacks that will allow us to share boards and collaborate with colleagues and design partners who need keyboard readers and other assistive technology.


Can you please help me with your recommendations and board strategies?


Any thoughts on the above?
Miro team - Do you have any strategies for accessibility that you can share?
