Business partners splitting up - how do you access boards still?

  • 1 October 2021
  • 3 replies


My business partner and I created a Miro account with her being the ‘owner’. We are now splitting up the business but I would still like access to the boards we have created. 

What’s the best way to get access to the boards but so we are not updating the same ones? i.e. should I set up a new account, can i then copy the boards to my new account and then create a duplicate so they are new boards rather than the one’s she has access to? 

Any ideas on solutions to this would be fab as we would both like access to the boards/maps we have created for our business/clients in the past? 



3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Rachel Clayton - Exporting and Duplicating does not delete/remove the board from the source team, but using the Move to account feature does “re-move” it from the source team - think copy vs. move in a folder on your computer.

Great thank you for this and a quick response too. I shall try and give it a go. My only question from this is if we did the export boards or move to new account/duplicte it - would that mean that they would no longer exist in the original account, meaning my ex partner wouldn’t see them any more either? Or would they still be there and I would just have a copy of them?



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Rachel Clayton - You did answer my first question at the end of your post:

we would both like access to the boards/maps we have created for our business/clients in the past

It sounds like your partner will continue to use Miro, otherwise I would have suggested that you just take over the account.

You could continue to use the same account and make the boards private, effectively hiding them from each other. However, I wouldn't suggest this as it is an administrative nightmare and could lead to confidentially/privacy issues.

Creating your own team

First, you will want to set up your own team/plan/subscription. You can do this using the Add teams 


As for which plan type to use, if it is just you and you will be working with different clients, I would suggest the Consultant Plan, but you can read more about the plans here.

In this example, I clicked on “Add teams”, gave my new team a name, and am choosing the Consultant Plan:


Once you have your own team set up, you will see them both on the left-hand side of your Miro dashboard, e.g.:


Getting boards from your old team to your new team

There are a few options for you to get your boards into your new team:

  1. Board backup - Export all of your boards using the Board backup feature, saving them to your computer/the cloud and then uploading them to your new team - details here → Board backup
  2. Move to new account - You can use the Move to account feature to move your boards (one at a time) into your new team - details here → How to move boards between accounts (teams)

NOTE: Only the board owner can can complete the above actions. If your business partner is the owner of any of the boards that you would like copies of, they will need to either:

  1. use the board backup feature and send you a copy of it; or
  2. update each board’s Board content settings so that “only team members” can copy/duplicate the board. Once this is done, you would open the board, click on the board title, and use the Duplicate button to create a copy of the board - and because your Miro account profile is now a member of more than one team, you should be prompted as to which team you would like the duplicated board to be created in.

I’ll leave this with you and see if you have any further questions.
