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Hello! I’m super stoked on the XD Miro plugin. Seriously excited as this is going to expedite my teams workflow fo sho. Now here’s the question… Is the quality of the import fixed as it is now or is there a possible plan for settings or permanent improvement? It is considerably less quality than when copy pasting an artboard in from XD. It wouldn’t be a big deal but copy is nearly illegible and we use miro for copy writers to make comments on changes. Any feedback would be appreciated. 


Hi @Mike Peters, this is David from Miro.

Thank you for flagging this we looking to fix this shortly and will get back to you in this thread next week.  

Awesome David! Looking forward to it!

Hi @Mike Peters, we are engaging with Adobe to see how we can get a better resolution from their API. Will get back to you next week. 

@David Grabner Good luck to us all! HP is a close partner with Adobe XD team if there is anything I can help with.


Hi @David Grabner ! Did you get to engage with Adobe about this? If getting a better resolution from their API is not possible, would be possible to choose a different resolution scale (ex.: 3x) for the import directly on Miro? Thank you :)

Hi @Anne-Marie Lavoie and @Mike Peters, sorry for the belayed response. 

Adobe cannot offer us a higher resolution at the moment. Their API only allows a 0.5 that we can use in Miro. They have plans to create something that would allow us to define the desired size on our side but have not communicated timeline. 

If you can please also request for this improvement via your Adobe customer success contact. I am hoping to give another update soon. Thanks

@David Grabner  Any updates on this? I posted in the Adobe forum as well. Just to give it some attention. Thanks :)

Hi @David Grabner is there any update on this from Adobe? It’s not much use if the artboards are not 1.0 at 100%. Thanks.

I’ll second this. The plugin is SO useful for improving our workflows but the image resolution is pretty poor, to the point where copy is almost illegible

Because of the poor image quality this plugin is quite useless.

Would really love if this was fixed.

Keep up the good work in trying.


Hi all, same here. We’ve currently enabled the integration, however not getting positive feedback on the quality of the images/content through the embedding action. Would appreciate any updates on this.

Is there any status on this issue? We cannot use it otherwise as we need to talk about designs in detail.

This is really annoying that there’s been no movement on this for over a year. I think the plugin is brilliant and my team uses it on a daily basis but the image quality is still poor

Is there any update on the resolution? The plugin is really helpful but the lack of resolution definitely an issue.

Please fix!

I am so disappointed by the lack of image quality… Otherwise this would have been a perfect solution to my workflow problem.

Any update on this issue? 

A great idea made useless by its lack of quality, it would be really cool if it was fixed.


Hello to all,

I would like to know if there is still a solution/update to the problem of rendering the design quality on Miro.


I just submitted a ticket before reading this thread. I guess I go back to pasting PNGs. <sigh>.
