Account seems binded to wrong company

Hi !

I was invited to a commercial presentation from another comany using miro few month ago.

Now my account seems binded to them.


When I leave all group I cant access dashboard.

An error message says “Teams in this comany are private.”



How can I get released ?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Gael Cosnard - I came across a similar post yesterday.

I will convert your post into a support ticket - you should receive an email confirmation shortly.

It would be helpful if you could please update this post with what the support team tells you. Thanks!

Thanks to have converted this post in support ticket !

To get out of this situation I followed this procedure :

  • Create a free account with another email and a free team
  • Invite my blocked account in a free team
  • Connect with blocked account
  • access profile setting
  • DELETE account
  • Re create account

I think it a major bug because user should always be able to access his profile settings for GPDR reasons.
