Accidentally uploaded PDF and want to permanently delete it

  • 1 March 2022
  • 3 replies

I was trying to preview a pdf in Chrome, and wasn’t thinking and dragged it into my Miro board. I’ve already deleted it, but I noticed it could be restored in my board history. Is there a way to permanently remove it from the history (and any other place it may be stored?)

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@justink -

One option might be to backup the board to a local RTB file, restore it with a different name and delete the old board and then rename the restored version. From what I’ve seen, restoring a board does not bring over the full version history whereas duplicating a board does.


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Another (more extreme) option is to:

1. Create a new board

2. Copy all contract (except PDF) to meet board

3. Create a Free Plan team using an rmail that you have meevr used Miro with

4. Add your current email as a member on that team

5. Move the original board to the new team

6. While signed in as the new user, delete your current email as a user - now the Baird with the PDF in question is no longer associated with your current team.

7. Finally, you could delete the new team - or even delete the new user account profile if that option appears for you under your avatar (top right), settings, profile settings, delete my profile.

Deleting a profile: 

Thanks for the response, I’ll try it
