I created a Miro Lite board two days ago and created this public link to have my customers fill out a bunch of information: https://miro.com/online-whiteboard/board/uXjVLFzerYw=/?boardAccessToken=QjmpU24MA1nO8sGWOGECDrunWj8RlXKl
When I tried to open the board today, I am seeing this attached message saying that the board is locked and that I need to sign up to access the board:
However, when I sign up with my email and go back to the board, it asks me to request access to the board, but I don't know who this access request could possibly go to because I have tried signing in with every email I have and nothing seems to work. So I'm just stuck in this endless loop of it saying that I need to sign up to unlock it and then request access to it.