Show board name immediately alongside the board loading animation

At the moment, when a Miro board link is clicked there’s a long wait before you even find out what the name of the board it is, as absolutely nothing is shown during loading other than the loading animation itself, which is a problem because quite often board links get shared via Slack and email without the context of which board it is, so you don’t know which is which and have to open multiple links and wait for them to finish loading so that you can see the board names and zero in on the right one.

Plus users of the desktop app who want to open the board in the app first have to open the board in their browser then copy & paste the board name into the app’s search feature to be able to find & open it there, and again have to wait for the board to load before the board name becomes visible.

Therefore please revise the loading screen to show the name of the board immediately, allowing users to very quickly confirm which board it is, and to copy & paste the name if they need to.


Two great ideas - I think this thread also says the same thing

The general “how to open a URL in the app” and to a lesser extend open a named board in a browser (by getting the share link) are awkward