The Miro support team for answering all of my questions, and for their gentle approach when pointing out my "user errors" 

Aw we do have a great support team don’t we, @Robert Johnson! And gratitude to YOU for being our moderator extraordinaire!
@Robert Johnson you are a legend! Hope you enjoy your mini-valentine at home this year!
@Alexis Luscutoff & @Colleen Curtis -
I’d like to recognize all the MIroneers who contribute daily to this community by encouraging engagement, sharing new product directions, listening to user’s feedback, and advocating for issue resolution. @Marina , @Natalie Larino , @Helena Brandist, @Lena Shenkarenko and of course both of you are all on my shout out list!
From a user perspective, @Robert Johnson , @Isman Tanuri, @Jonathan White & @Max Harper all rank way up there!
My eternal love and gratitude go to @Robert Johnson and @Kiron Bondale for helping us and our community every single day 
Also would love to mention @Said Saddouk and his incredible Miro artworks
Such wonderful shoutouts for Mironeers and community members, @Kiron Bondale! + @Robert Johnson what a precious photo!