Hey @Kristy66
I’m afraid that you cannot undo changes made by other board editors - you can only undo your actions. If you are experiencing some issues with the board history, please submit a ticket to our Support team: How to contact Miro Support. Thank you!
How to cancel clactering? I make it to test how it will look like. But it changed my visual wrong way. I want to cancel it
I have just experienced the same problem. I clicked on cluster by accident and now I can’t go back! All my post-its have moved and I’m unable to undo cluster. This is incredibly frustrating.
Terrible bug to have in a product, I’m spending hours trying to move my post-its back. I luckily took a screenshot to share with a colleague otherwise all of our work from a very expensive workshop would be gone!
Please fix this!
I am having the same problem on my own board. I played with clustering and now I don’t want it. How do I remove the cluster?
I just experienced the same issue with clustering and being stuck with not being able to go back and uncluster a board I’ve been working on. Any progress on this topic? 
Hi @Helga , @Kristy66, @EVGENIYA RYAZANTSEVA, @Angeline Thushyanthan, @jlhgardner, @Nadja Ekblom
Thanks for bringing this up and for sharing your feedback!
Right now, once the Sticky Notes are clustered, there isn't a direct "undo" button for that specific action. However, it's awesome that you're thinking ahead by trying to restore the board.
I've gone ahead and converted your post into a wishlist idea so that the product team can consider adding an "undo cluster" option in the future.
Thanks for your patience and for being part of our community!