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Pin Iconfinder or other addons

I find myself using Iconfinder all the time, more than things like shapes.

Problem: Every time I need to access it, I need to go through multiple steps:

  • click (...) on left toolbar
  • click Iconfinder or use the search to find it
  • search for an icon and add it

Then you resize, move the icon, the usual things. Now you need a new icon and have to repeat the above from the top.

This becomes a little frustrating over time when you have to do it tens of times during a short Miro session.


Solution idea: Could the Iconfinder or any other user chosen often used addon somehow be “pinned” to the screen, or be more readily available in the toolbar just like the default tools, like post it notes and shapes? I believe it would completely fix this problem.

@Kimmo Kyle :

It is possible to add the iconfinder-icon at the top of the toolbar … so it is only a mouseclick away:


And there we have it, that easy 😁 thank you!!


What if we had an option to arrange the order of the tools as we need?

Or, what if miro recognized the tools we use the most and self-tainted

@olivesboretti :

Every icon on the left can be arranged like you need it for your workflow:

You can even reduce the tollbar on the left to your most needed tools:

