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Navigation on large boards could be made easier by using Alt+mouse wheel or Shift+mouse wheel to scroll horizontally or vertically, respectively.

Currently, the mouse wheel always zooms, regardless of whether Ctrl, Shift or Alt are also pressed.

So i’ve been able to successfully scroll horizontally via “shift + mousewheel scroll” but its a bit finicky and sometimes requires you to “cmd+mouswheel scroll” (I am a MacOS user) prior to initiating the horizontal scroll command sequence. Not sure why…

Replying mainly to recirculate this open comment. Would love for miro dev team to incorporate these scroll feature in some way shape or form.

in the meantime would recommend picking up a compatible track pad for your machine… makes Miro board navigation a breeze.

My company just migrated from LucidChart to Miro and the absence of vertical scrolling confirms my thoughts that Miro is the inferior product that is designed for the lowest common denominator.

Edit: it turns out this is possible by digging deep into the settings and changing navigation mode to “trackpad”. This makes the scroll wheel on your mouse behave normally. The “mouse” navigation mode defaults to zoom.

Open→Existing Feature (closed)

Thank you for the follow-up! Since the feature you mentioned is already available through trackpad mode, I’ll go ahead and update the status of your wishlist idea from "open" to "existing feature (closed)."

If you need any further assistance or have additional suggestions, feel free to reach out!