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Will Miro work for a one-time brainstorming workshop?

  • 5 July 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi! I research autism and sexuality. I am convening a 2-hour brainstorming workshop with stakeholders in the autism community to come up with sexuality-related guidelines. I can’t tell:

-- how many people will be able to collaborate on Miro brainstorms at one time (we expect around 70 though it could be way more or less since this is online)

-- if they will all need accounts or if I can send them a link that allows them to work with me without an account

I’m willing to pay some money (though I am but a lowly postdoctoral fellow without big research monies for this project). Just...can’t tell if this platform will work for this. Thanks for any help!!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Laura Graham Holmes -

1. Yes - 70 shouldn't be an issue. If you will be sharing your screen as well you may want to hide collaborator cursors otherwise it will look like a swarm of bees.

2. Assuming you have a paid subscription (vs. the free plan) you can either use paid full accounts OR you can share the board with anonymous guest editor access for free. In the latter case you wouldn't know who is who and you can't password protect the board access while it is being shared this way.

