[RESOLVED] Blank pop-up window on bottom right, close button doesn't work

Userlevel 1

Relatively new to Miro and using a Design Sprint template for an upcoming design sprint. For some reason there is a blank pop up window on the bottom right corner of the screen (see attachment) which does not respond to me clicking the ‘X’ close button. It blocks off a good chunk of the window which will make using the product with my team over zoom just a bit more difficult. How can I get rid of this?

Mac OS, Google Chrome, Adblock off. 



Alyona 1 year ago

Hi @Doron Zehavi, @thomaswilson, @Dominique67

Great news, the team fixed the root cause of the issue you were experiencing, so in the newest version of the app, it should no longer be reproducible for you. Please make sure to reload any web pages where you had Miro open since yesterday (or earlier), as well as restart the desktop app if that's where you use Miro. Please let me know if you will notice this empty pop-up again in the future!

View original

13 replies

Userlevel 1

It has disappeared for me, so I cannot recreate it.

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hi @Doron Zehavi, @thomaswilson, @Dominique67,

Alyona from the Miro Support team is stepping in for a moment.

Would any of you be willing to share the logs with us so we could understand what is happening when you're trying to close this pop-up? 

If so, I can create a support ticket for you and reach out with the step-by-step instruction on how to capture logs if you would prefer not to share them in this thread.

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hey everyone,

We were able to reproduce the issue and got the required information to fix it now. Once the fix is live, I'll be sure to let you know! 

Userlevel 1
cmn~BoardInfoOperati~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~Project~page.company.securit~page.entity.permiss.10481268bba83d26.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile~ShareAndInvite~lazyTabletAppConnect.98a57d81dfea6a32.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile~ShareAndInvite.bba1505aa55bed89.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardInfoOperati~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~page.company.securit~page.entity.permiss.018e776ac7cc50e9.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Billing~BoardUI.desktop~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile~TeamDiscove~Welcome.bc010ae781e2a88d.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile.c55616c621ec9a9d.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardJira~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile.95a36552e30c1ee1.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~MockupWidget~Notes~[SidebarChatLazyImport]~[SidebarCommentLazyImport].c7162ce8452b524a.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~Notes.0888ab53799eba25.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/vendor~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~lazyResizeObservePolyfil~page.company.insight.8d61821b6f1e98e5.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~ShareAndInvite.412d88b93a33013d.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardInfoOperati~BoardUI.desktop~Setting.087975ec38973c5a.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardUI.desktop~Notes.d9bf020b360f95f2.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardUI.desktop~Dashboa.desktop.1cfae00463795122.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardJira~BoardSdk~BoardUI.desktop.f8e4028c1653c3ae.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/vendor~BoardUI.desktop.06cc7238dc93aba7.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardSdk~BoardUI.desktop.50f6cb8dbe0ab8f5.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/vendorReact~Billing~BoardExport~BoardInfoOperati~BoardJira~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile~Feed~GuestNam.68a948e00062d08a.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~MockupWidget.304d0383a69dfc15.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardSdk.54f6c37de45381be.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~ShapeLibraryModule.cd5078c25352259d.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Billing~ShapeLibraryModule~TemplatPicker~page.company.insight.f8b8dc870747c6a0.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~IconPicker.1ba1830016b6c7b0.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/MeetingModule.a8970fc0f74e8561.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~MeetingModule~ShowtimModule.b2cd8d73e8575a0b.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardTimerModule.87999010e5cc6a6c.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/vendorReact~VotingModule.01e29cf10e5a6b33.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Notes.d4a06c3dc6448ca6.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~ScreenVideoChat.1ded0ba9d06ed9b0.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~EstimatModule.7cd7c69ca885818d.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/SideBanner.d7cf0b777a5afaeb.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/vendorReact~MeetingModule~ShowtimModule.c2a2b4a630337849.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~VotingModule.1a94c081bfae8a9c.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Tutoria.f1dd7b9285bbe207.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardJira~Setting~datepic.34d37a0eacd51c9f.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
cmn~Billing~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile~Feed~InspiraCenter~Setting~ShareAndInvite~last.activat.stage.61a2d9a9f4f72876.js:1 Uncaught Error: You should initialize the store with "initStore" first
at L (cmn~Billing~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile~Feed~InspiraCenter~Setting~ShareAndInvite~last.activat.stage.61a2d9a9f4f72876.js:1:29404)
at f (cmn~Billing~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile~Feed~InspiraCenter~Setting~ShareAndInvite~last.activat.stage.61a2d9a9f4f72876.js:1:23602)
at re (cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1:183537)
at se (cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1:183704)
at cmn~Tutoria.f1dd7b9285bbe207.js:1:178984
at cmn~Tutoria.f1dd7b9285bbe207.js:1:179654
at t.get (cmn~Tutoria.f1dd7b9285bbe207.js:1:179663)
at Object.slides (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:29080)
at t.getIn (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:22731)
at t.value (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:17832)
at t.value (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:18165)
at t.value (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:19057)
at r.<computed> [as project] (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:7754)
at e.value (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:28981)
at t.recursiveListener (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:28283)
at a.emit (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:59207)
at e.value (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:29578)
at t.writeListener (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:28137)
at a.emit (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:59207)
at t.value (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:10867)
at d.<computed> [as set] (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:21494)
at r.<computed> [as set] (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:7754)
at set (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:38673)
at Object.keys.reduce.t.<computed> [as set] (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:42245)
at cmn~Tutoria.f1dd7b9285bbe207.js:1:181720
at i (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:48078)
at i (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:48310)
at I (cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:48899)
at cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2:48995
at s ((index):99:33253)
at (index):99:32373
L @ cmn~Billing~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile~Feed~InspiraCenter~Setting~ShareAndInvite~last.activat.stage.61a2d9a9f4f72876.js:1
f @ cmn~Billing~BoardUI.desktop~BoardUI.mobile~BoardUI.webview~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile~Feed~InspiraCenter~Setting~ShareAndInvite~last.activat.stage.61a2d9a9f4f72876.js:1
re @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
se @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
(anonymous) @ cmn~Tutoria.f1dd7b9285bbe207.js:1
(anonymous) @ cmn~Tutoria.f1dd7b9285bbe207.js:1
get @ cmn~Tutoria.f1dd7b9285bbe207.js:1
(anonymous) @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
t.getIn @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
value @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
value @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
value @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
r.<computed> @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
value @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
recursiveListener @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
a.emit @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
value @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
writeListener @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
a.emit @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
value @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
d.<computed> @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
r.<computed> @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
set @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
Object.keys.reduce.t.<computed> @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
(anonymous) @ cmn~Tutoria.f1dd7b9285bbe207.js:1
i @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
i @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
I @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
(anonymous) @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
s @ (index):99
(anonymous) @ (index):99
requestAnimationFrame (async)
E @ (index):99
y @ (index):99
window.requestAnimationFrame @ (index):99
v @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
t.startInteractiveTutorialIfNeed @ cmn~Tutoria.f1dd7b9285bbe207.js:1
(anonymous) @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
Promise.then (async)
t.start @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
e.runNextTask @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
s @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
t.start @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
e.runNextTask @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
s @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
t.start @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
e.runNextTask @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
s @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
e.runNextTask @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
o.runNextTask @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
(anonymous) @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
(anonymous) @ (index):99
(anonymous) @ (index):99
a @ (index):99
Promise.then (async)
c @ (index):99
(anonymous) @ (index):99
p @ (index):99
t.start @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
e.runNextTask @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
s @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
t.start @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
e.runNextTask @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
s @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
(anonymous) @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
t.start @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
e.runNextTask @ cmn~applica.core.942f9912a8bd536b.js:2
(anonymous) @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
s @ cmn~Board.1b0ab9438e73fc90.js:2
(anonymous) @ cmn~BoardUI.desktop.54bf5d62400a98fc.js:1
(anonymous) @ (index):99
(anonymous) @ (index):99
a @ (index):99
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Billing~BoardInfoOperati~ShareAndInvite.7f4a2f107dc1a3dd.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardInfoOperati.c8a8922d4f06ce5d.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Billing~Setting.7f81279d7230e3dc.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Billing~ShareAndInvite.acaee93938fa1ff0.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardInfoOperati~Setting~ShareAndInvite.6073da36ef6ad27c.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Billing~BoardInfoOperati.97b0c5f7fa33a2a5.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/BoardInfoOperationsTranslator.c683e5f73016394a.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/vendorReact~Billing~BoardJira~InvitatFlow~Project~ShareAndInvite~TeamDiscove~TemplatPicker~Welcome~page.company.deactiv.users~page.company.invitat~pag.a152f6c6bc238ca6.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Project~ShareAndInvite~Welcome.352e95f9792d5e8f.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~InvitatFlow~Project~ShareAndInvite.4518c78c068dc109.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Project.458969b4e5d13ce5.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~InvitatFlow~ShareAndInvite.b9a40628e0dbf2ee.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Billing~Setting~ShareAndInvite.1a4feb166ed31c6d.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~InvitatFlow~Project~ShareAndInvite~page.company.deactiv.users~page.company.invitat~page.team.users~page.user.managem.c2886a5b7c89e416.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~ShareAndInvite.79d37f9640dd2aeb.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/ProjectsTranslator.6bccb3a1588d6267.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/ShareAndInviteTranslator.9f69995fbeaff944.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardJira~PatchOrgMembers.36fb5b4efe880c8b.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Feed.0b3ed3cc4ccbea57.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardJira~Setting.252e2177b0c33eea.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~ShareAndInvite~Welcome.5c4cbce787129607.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~InspiraCenter.5d709c4caf00888a.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~BoardJira.c033961bbd21076c.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Billing.445d56457e684db9.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~InspiraCenter~LearninCenter.66e98cfaaa21e5ce.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Dashboa.desktop~Setting.966bc9e063069a04.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Dashboa.desktop~LeaveTeam~page.company.setting~team.setting.remove.c55e6468c730e784.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Dashboa.desktop.ce593fefa2579039.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://miro.com/app/static/cmn~Dashboa.desktop~Dashboa.mobile.14dfe38aabd8badf.js.map: Unexpected end of JSON input
vendorSentry~applica.core.4f01062ce84082cb.js:1 POST https://s.realtimeboard.com/api/11/envelope/?sentry_key=9b14e87a42e849f49910cbe634327f35&sentry_version=7 403
M @ vendorSentry~applica.core.4f01062ce84082cb.js:1
t._flushOutcomes @ vendorSentry~applica.core.4f01062ce84082cb.js:1
(anonymous) @ vendorSentry~applica.core.4f01062ce84082cb.js:1

Some of the log (can’t post all of it due to limits)

Userlevel 1

The desktop app worked, incognito worked, but normal chrome browser with extensions disabled (or even removed) did not work. Might be cache related?

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Doron Zehavi - You definitely could have picked up some bad code that was deployed and then quickly removed.

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Thanks for sharing this, @Doron Zehavi!

Shared the logs with developers. If everything goes as planned the fix should be ready very soon. Will keep you posted! 

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hi @Doron Zehavi, @thomaswilson, @Dominique67

Great news, the team fixed the root cause of the issue you were experiencing, so in the newest version of the app, it should no longer be reproducible for you. Please make sure to reload any web pages where you had Miro open since yesterday (or earlier), as well as restart the desktop app if that's where you use Miro. Please let me know if you will notice this empty pop-up again in the future!

the same for me since yesterday.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

This same thing is happening to me. It won’t go away and it’s an empty container. Also if you select the right fly-out menu, then IT won’t retract either. I have to restart every-time. It simply doesn't work. And NO it isn’t in the browser. I’m in the desktop app. It has been doing this for two weeks. It’s very annoying.

Have you tried resetting the app data?

Userlevel 1

Its happening again. Now with new buttons -- that also dont work.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

This still seems like is could be related to some other browser extension. Have you tired disabling ALL extensions (or an incognito window), or the Miro desktop app?

This same thing is happening to me. It won’t go away and it’s an empty container. Also if you select the right fly-out menu, then IT won’t retract either. I have to restart every-time. It simply doesn't work. And NO it isn’t in the browser. I’m in the desktop app. It has been doing this for two weeks. It’s very annoying.

