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I would like to Export to PDF and print, but the Frames are not exporting too, so the content is floating without context.

While printing will not be the main way of interacting, occasionally it is needed.

Is there a way to Print or Export that gives that option?


Hey @RobOK,

There is actually already a similar idea in the Wish List - Export to PDF should have frames titles and table of content (TOC).

Please leave your comment there and upvote if it is smth that you are trying to achieve :relaxed:

Great… I had moved my titles as new text within the frame in anticipation of this answer, so thanks for confirming that!!


@RobOK -

There is no way to bring the frame border and title as part of an export so your only option would be to manually add titles within each frame. This would be a good enhancement request to have that as an option within the export to PDF dialog so consider adding it as a wish list topic here following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know 🌠 | Miro

