не могу включить презентацию как участник

Добрый день! Участники не могут включить презентацию фреймов, нет такой кнопки на верхней панели, хотя раньше была


14 replies

Userlevel 7
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@Robert Johnson -

Not sure about that Visitor restriction - I just shared a board publicly with edit access and via an incognito session accessed it as a Visitor and was still able to access the collaboration menu including putting the board into Presentation mode, so there might be something else going on...


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@Robert Johnson -

“Classic” (not old!) mode 😂


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@Valentina_kanishcheva -

Можете ли вы сделать снимок экрана с раскрывающимся списком параметров на панели инструментов для совместной работы и поделиться им?


Обычно наверху есть кнопка  “present”, но сейчас нет

Userlevel 7
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@Valentina_kanishcheva -

Какие параметры доступны в этом меню, так как здесь должен быть режим презентации:


Userlevel 7
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Once the apps panel is expanded, you may see Presentation mode:


If you sometimes have a Present button, like this:

… then you have the Interactive Presentation Mode beta enabled on the account in which the boards reside.

Because you are not seeing the Present button in the board in your screenshot above, I am guessing that board is in another team, e.g., maybe you are viewing that board as a Visitor or a Guest.



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@Valentina_kanishcheva -

Это странно! Если вы ищете «Презентация» в текстовом поле «Найти приложения», отображается ли этот параметр?


нет, не отображается. Может быть надо что-то изменить в настройках администратора? Так как я сама создавала эту доску под другим имененм

Userlevel 7
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I do not see a Share button at the top right, so you are likely accessing the board as a Visitor or a Guest. Since you cannot start a Presentation, I will guess you accessing as a Visitor and that Visitors cannot use/start a Presentation:


Another note about adding apps to collaboration apps toolbar: You can use the "Get more apps" action to show other installed app, and then drag them up to the list above. In your case, if you searched for "presentation" using the "Find apps" box, it would not be installed.


Userlevel 7
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@Kiron Bondale - With the old Presentation Mode or new Interactive Presentation Mode?

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And is the new Interactive Presentation Mode beta activated for the team where that incognito test board resides?

If no, then perhaps when the new mode has been enabled (as @Valentina_kanishcheva expects to see), then the classic mode is removed, and the new IPM is not available to Visitors (with due to an oversight, bug, or by design).

O! I dont know that mean “new Interactive Presentation Mode beta” and how i can activate it...

Userlevel 7
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@Valentina_kanishcheva - If you used to see a "Present" button at the top right, then Interactive Presentation Mode (IPM) beta was enabled already. 


