Miro Scan deleting my latest entries on kanban

  • 24 May 2023
  • 2 replies

Hi. Only noticed happening on kanban template as I use it frequently to keep notes I want to bring up in meetings of upcoming tasks. When Miro reconnects after I have left the page, it scans and deletes my latest updates. Very frustrating and I’ve now had to use another tool to collaborate online. Is this something at Miro’s end or our IT security? Has anyone else noticed this happening

2 replies

Hi Kiron. Thx for getting back to me. I’m actually with our IT team right now. They are installing Miro client in my laptop to see if it stops the security scanning and deleting content. They said it was unusual but this may fix as it will b running off laptop instead of online. They said it will b issue from our end. Hopefully this fixes 🤞

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@MiroStreet -

Can you post a Loom video of this behavior as it is definitely not normal? The only thing I can think would be if you lost connectivity with the Miro servers and hence they were unable to sync the local changes but that would not be a consistent occurence.

