Miro embed (sign in) fails in Notion App - only connects in browser

Userlevel 1

I have tried every way I can think of to sign into my Miro account from Notion App to work on my Miro items within Notion. But I have failed! Is it actually possible (because it certainly looks like it…) to have a two-way sync with Miro in Notion?

In the browser, I have be able to get full editing rights, but in the Notion App I can only view… and that’s exactly where I want to work.. in Notion… I have read from older posts that only viewing is possible, but if it’s possible to work in the browser… surely it’s possible to work in the app??


The actual issue I’m facing is that the sign-in keeps failing…  After I click the “sign in” button in Miro in Notion, it takes me to the browswer to login… but once I complete the sign-in info it just dies… “Redirecting” for ever… so this is where it’s failing…

I do have at least 3 profiles I use in Google which may have caused sign-on confusion, but I’ve tried signing out of all profiles, and just using the one I want to use Miro with… I also have a different  sign in with notion account (through my college) so I even created a Miro account with that email to see if that works… still failing at the connection point… although why is Miro asking me to sign in if the connection Is only for public viewing - which I have tested and it obviously works (because no sign-in is required).


Please advise if I am thinking about this wrongly… thanks!

32 replies

Userlevel 1

I have a similar problem. Logging into Miro from an embedded view in the Notion app brings up a fresh login screen in my browser (even when I am already logged in within my browser). Logging in doesn’t seem to change anything in the Notion app. The Miro embed in Notion hangs on the message: “Authorization in a new tab”. If I open Notion in a browser everything works fine. This seems to be a Miro authentication issue specific to the Notion app.

Problem still present on v2.1.14 on Mac

What is the status of this issue? We are experiencing the same issue. Would love to leverage directly from Notion app.

Hey guys,

The way to fix it so you can see a preview of the miro board in your notion page is to creat a share link for the board you want to share. 

Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the board icon when you are in the teamspace (ie the step before you enter the board proper)

The click share and in the bottom option “Anyone with the link” select the ending “can edit”. Then click on the blue button to the right saying “copy board link’ 

If you paste this link in your notion it will show a preview and you can click the arrow button in the top right corner and it will open the miro board in a browser and if youre logged in you can edit it. 


Still a problem on Windows 11 (64 bit) Version 2.2.1 a year and a half later. This is stopping us from using the desktop app.




Has this not been fixed already??

Looks like an issue from more than a year ago.


Please allow this 🙏

Same problem here. It works well in the browser, but not in the notion app. Always shows the sign in sign up buttons.

Still not fixed. WHY?

Same here:

  • Macbook pro M1
  • macOS 13.5
  • Notion 2.2.1
  • Browser: Sidekick

Hey, would you mind replying to your users and try to fix this. This bug is quite disturbing and shouldn’t be too hard to fix since other apps integrations are working well. But even if you can’t fix this now, answer to your users when they’re reporting bugs for you.

I have the same issue when trying to embed private Miro boards in Notion pages.


Infinite redirect page in the browser, after trying to sign-in from notion. The possibly important part is that I need to always re-login by passing the password and email, even though I was logged in in the browser.



@Helga I submitted the request, with a video and device/soft details included. Cheers!

Same here

Is this matter being abandoned?

I have a same problem, and I submitted the issue.

Hello, I have the same problem. +1 since it seems you guys do not pay much attention to this bug

Same here.

What’s going on with this bug? Is on the side of Miro or Notion?

@Miro team, any updates on your side?

Same problem here. 

Having the same issue in Version 2.1.15 (2.1.15) on the Mac. Works fine with the Windows users I have. Just broken for all the Macs. 

Same problem here. 
MacOS / Windows 10, Notion App and online: does not show board. 
Guest Links should at leat be visible, by definition they do not need a login at all. 

I have this same problem.

Problem persists. I can see the board when notion is open in browser, but not when notion is open in native mac app. Signing in doesn’t apply to the embed.

I have this same problem. It’s been 10 months since the thread was opened. Is there an update on this? It’s super annoying to only be able to use miro embeds through notion in the browser.

I’m having the same problem.

Same issue

Userlevel 3

Hi @Sebastian Wilgosz 👋

Could you please contact us through this form and provide additional details on the problem (your device type, browser version, a short video showing the issue step-by-step, etc.)?

Thank you in advance!🙂
