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Bulk conversion of stickies to JIRA cards

  • 17 July 2020
  • 3 replies

Looking for a way to bulk convert stickies from a long range planning session into JIRA issues using the JIRA card integration.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Kendall Wondergem,

Currently, it is only possible to convert stickies into Jira issues one by one. Feel free to submit this idea to the Wish List. Make sure to describe your use case, and the problem this functionality can solve for you. More tips are in this helpful guide :relaxed:

Userlevel 3

thank you, marina!

Userlevel 2

@Kendall Wondergem better late than never...we’ve added support for bulk converting stickies into Jira cards! You can read about it here. Thanks!
