Apple Pencil Hover

  • 8 November 2022
  • 2 replies

When will Miro be updated on the ipad to work with the M2 Ipad hover feature.  I currently have to turn hover off on ipad to make Miro use the pencil

2 replies

@Arin I like how my students follow the cursor even when I'm not drawing, just showing. this is how it works on a regular graphics tablet for a PC. please tell me that you have already added ‘hover’ to the iPad app. I gonna buy iPad Pro m2 for miro, but if ‘hover’ don't work with it I'll spit on this idea.. 🙏

Hi @McLane Snow 
Thank you for raising this question! 
Well since the Apple pencil hover effect is a brand new feature currently it hasn’t been integrated into our iPad app. However, the good news is our product team is already aware of it and the issues it may cause. They are currently working on new updates to possibly include this feature in our app as well even though there is no ETA on that. 

I hope it helps! 
