Any way to go back to left-click mouse navigation on screen?

  • 22 October 2021
  • 49 replies

Userlevel 3

Is there any way at all to return to using the left mouse button to move around the screen (click and drag)? It seems going to the Navigation Settings only allows you to choose between using the mouse or trackpad, but no option is available for choosing which mouse buttons control movement. Not sure why Miro decided to make this sudden, unnecessary change! If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!

49 replies

Userlevel 2

Is there any way at all to return to using the left mouse button to move around the screen (click and drag)? It seems going to the Navigation Settings only allows you to choose between using the mouse or trackpad, but no option is available for choosing which mouse buttons control movement. Not sure why Miro decided to make this sudden, unnecessary change! If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!

I definitelty agree with the statement, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. I understand if there’s people out there who find it annoying, but at least give us the option to reverse the setting. I don’t enjoy it at all and it’s making my experience for using Miro much worse. Options always saves lives that’s what I believe, nothing wrong about that.

Userlevel 2

Is there any way at all to return to using the left mouse button to move around the screen (click and drag)? It seems going to the Navigation Settings only allows you to choose between using the mouse or trackpad, but no option is available for choosing which mouse buttons control movement. Not sure why Miro decided to make this sudden, unnecessary change! If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!

I definitelty agree with the statement, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. I understand if there’s people out there who find it annoying, but at least give us the option to reverse the setting. I don’t enjoy it at all and it’s making my experience for using Miro much worse. Options always saves lives that’s what I believe, nothing wrong about that.

I find it extremely annoying! I’m ready even to stop using this platform! When I try to navigate with the right mouse button, it brings me back to dashboards every single time I unbutton the right mouse button - it’s disgusting! Why do I need these new features which absolutely don’t work properly? Why to change that???

Userlevel 2

I also have the same problem - old boards are moved with left clicked mouse and the new ones - with the right click. Oh my, that is so annoying to change the pattern, cause I need different boards…

Old good with left click

Horrible new one with the right click


Userlevel 2

This is a bad UI/UX change -- so bad that I’m on the phone with Miro product management this week about it.  What makes it bad is it goes against everything we intuitively know about navigation.  Think about this -- you hand someone Miro, and the first thing they do (and are interested in) is navigating the campus, not selecting objects (in fact, there are no objects to select by default).  They’ll do this with their left button, and when they do that, they get the selection rectangle.  So now the first thing an administrator has to do teach someone how to navigate the board.  This is so mind-boggingly remedial (and pointless) that it defies logic.


We’re an Miro Enterprise shop, and are in serious discussions internally to leave Miro if this type of change isn’t reverted or given an option to set.

Userlevel 1

Hi all, first off – thanks for bearing with us and providing detailed descriptions of things that work and don’t work for you! The product team is currently consolidating all of the feedback to decide what the next steps can be. I will share an update with you here in the next few days once I know more. 

In the meantime I also encourage you to give this update some time. You may get used to it after a few days, and, if not, please, don’t hesitate to flag it here – I’ll make sure to surface all of the feedback the community members are providing to the product team working on these updates. 


As a (very) frequent user of Miro I am so annoyed by this change it made me switch back to old and inferior solutions I long ago neglected like Google Slides. 

I am left-handed, so the old navigation with left button+zooming with scroll wheel was natural and easy. The new change makes me work slower, less efficient, breaks my line of thought and make the entire Miro experience bad!

I hope you realize what I am saying - this is not a matter of us user getting used to a new change in the UX - it is a crisis of broken experience that has impact over your most loyal users!

Hope this will come through without obvious reactions like “try to get used to it” - do we have any other choice???

Userlevel 4

Yes, from people I have spoken to it seems like the Miro community is in agreement that this is a step backwards. So far out of the miro users who have contacted me about the change, only 1 / 8 of them like it. I am going to try to keep an open mind, however I have been using Miro for about 10 hours since the update and am still struggling. There is another post where miro have given a little bit of explanation regarding the change:

I will ask more mironeers when people return back to work how they find the new control scheme and update these threads with the feedback.

Userlevel 1

14 gazillion apps in the world, both on desktop and web, across multiple operating systems, use left mouse button click and drag to move things.

And then there’s Miro

You fail UX design 101

At the very least you could give us the option to reconfigure the mouse bindings

You totally fail UX design 101

Userlevel 1

I enjoy using Miro and it continues to impress me however I do not like this change. I don’t believe this is something that people will eventually get used to and prefer in the long term. From my perspective the old controls worked fine, no need to change!

Userlevel 2

The first time I am really unhappy with an update :cry:

Userlevel 1

Echoing the comments here - not a great change. Its also unintuitive, and not to mention uncomfortable, to reach across your mouse keys with your first finger as the guidance suggests. Yes there is the work around with the pan tool and the associated shortcuts but that doesn't take away from the added challenge this change has brought. 

I understand the rationale with switching to prevent folks from moving items around the boards (although I control this with the locking down functionality) so how about giving us the option to choose between the 2 functions? 

@Lena Shenkarenko 

Userlevel 4

I can see from software that keeps track of how long I use programs for on my computer that I’ve now put 70 hours into Miro since the update, and I’m really sorry it inform that it does not get better!

While i’m now 100% used to the new controls, I’ve found that I am now slower at building boards, I miss-click more and I make unintentional changes more.

I could explain the specifics however in the interest in keeping this thread not too long, I won’t go into them.

Miro have generally been good at listening to the community and so I am sure this will be rectified soon. I think in order to prevent this from happening again, Miro should most likely look into how they test new updates. They have stated that this update was thoroughly tested however every Miro user I know does not like the new update, it is quite clear that the update made the platform worse and not better. While this has frustrated a lot of us, as I mentioned previously Miro will act soon, I’m sure due to the amount of people who don’t like the update.

+1 for reverting back to old way of left click move.


I have been using the new update for weeks now and I cannot get used to it, it is not intuitive. My meetings are not as seamless and this is hurting my adoption plans throughout my org for 2022.


It is best if you just give users the preference, not a board preference, but a user preference.  But if this is not possible, please revert this feature and allow users to navigate board with left click.

Just got back to using Miro this week after the xmas break and yep, add me to the list of unhappy campers.

A very unintuitive approach to navigating around a board. Would much prefer to have this as a preference that can be set.

Is there any way at all to return to using the left mouse button to move around the screen (click and drag)? It seems going to the Navigation Settings only allows you to choose between using the mouse or trackpad, but no option is available for choosing which mouse buttons control movement. Not sure why Miro decided to make this sudden, unnecessary change! If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!

So true - the old left button interface was so intutive, really annoying to have to change habits now. Totally unnecassary. Please introduce an option to configure buttons ourselves.

Consider the cognitive impact to people choosing your software in year 3 of the pandemic … most working remotely.

You just elected to move the steering wheel to the back seat of the car.

Your rationale is completely lost on me.

This is behaviour I expect from Atlassian not Miro.

Let me add to the chorus of groans in this thread which I found by Googling “why is left clicking on Miro boards not working”. Because honestly it really is driving me round the bend. For me, it’s a double whammy of right click being a toggle and this playing havoc with browser gestures as other people have mentioned.

I’m beginning to get more into the habit of using my scroll wheel (which doesn’t toggle and is only active when pressed) but clicking left is still my default.

As suggested by others, this is crying out to be a preference that can be set...

The right mouse button navigation is horrible. Can you please reverse?  I was able to start a training and after few hours I got so frustrated that I had to take MURAL as backup to avoid the headache of this feature.

@Lena Shenkarenko 

we always optimize for simplicity, ease of use, and delightful user experience

I am not delighted. I am dismayed. You’ve complicated your software.


we’ve already hear from many Miro users who initially were frustrated with the update that they were actually able to get used to it and could see the benefits of the new product behavior

Prove it. I don’t believe you. This sounds like a complete fabrication to dismiss or minimize complaints you are receiving about a poor decision.

I also vote for the option to set left click to drag. From a UI perspective it doesnt work the same as every other piece of windows software

This is EXTREMELY frustrating! I’m assuming a large portion of Miro users are using a Magic Mouse, yet the settings and prompts only reference a two-button mouse with scroll. Please revert the change.  


Is there any way at all to return to using the left mouse button to move around the screen (click and drag)? It seems going to the Navigation Settings only allows you to choose between using the mouse or trackpad, but no option is available for choosing which mouse buttons control movement. Not sure why Miro decided to make this sudden, unnecessary change! If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!

100% agree, this is so unintuitive and frustrating!  Please switch back to the previous mouse button assignment.  This not only serves to create inefficiencies in our daily work, but to confuse our clients whom are just getting used to the platform.

Userlevel 4


Now, I have to keep clicking “V” to pan with the left click which is very counterintuitive (the right click to pan keeps glitching for me and feels VERY awkward).


Obviously I don’t like this update, but it might help out to know that holding ‘space’ will have the same effect, however isn't a toggle. I find holding space to be easier than using ‘V’ and is what I’m using until Miro addresses this issue.

An other input regarding browsers with mouse gestures (Vivaldi, Opera, ...): This right click moving is broken. I is not smooth at all and it moves around only after releasing the button. Meanwhile often mouse gestures are triggered - like the one to close the tab!

It also seams that there is a middle click move behavior (same as with the right click): This is totally unusable on Linux/Unix as the middle click is for pasting the content of the clip board. So every time you move the board that way you create some thing on the board...

Hi all, first off – thanks for bearing with us and providing detailed descriptions of things that work and don’t work for you! The product team is currently consolidating all of the feedback to decide what the next steps can be. I will share an update with you here in the next few days once I know more. 

In the meantime I also encourage you to give this update some time. You may get used to it after a few days, and, if not, please, don’t hesitate to flag it here – I’ll make sure to surface all of the feedback the community members are providing to the product team working on these updates. 


As a (very) frequent user of Miro I am so annoyed by this change it made me switch back to old and inferior solutions I long ago neglected like Google Slides. 

I am left-handed, so the old navigation with left button+zooming with scroll wheel was natural and easy. The new change makes me work slower, less efficient, breaks my line of thought and make the entire Miro experience bad!

I hope you realize what I am saying - this is not a matter of us user getting used to a new change in the UX - it is a crisis of broken experience that has impact over your most loyal users!

Hope this will come through without obvious reactions like “try to get used to it” - do we have any other choice???

Completely agree with this, I also use a left-handed mouse and it’s driving me completely crazy. It’s not good enough to say “get used to it”! I’ve also tried using the hot keys and now having to go back & try to remember what text I’ve unwittingly replaced with V and H……. 

Userlevel 4

This is a bad UI/UX change -- so bad that I’m on the phone with Miro product management this week about it.  What makes it bad is it goes against everything we intuitively know about navigation.  Think about this -- you hand someone Miro, and the first thing they do (and are interested in) is navigating the campus, not selecting objects (in fact, there are no objects to select by default).  They’ll do this with their left button, and when they do that, they get the selection rectangle.  So now the first thing an administrator has to do teach someone how to navigate the board.  This is so mind-boggingly remedial (and pointless) that it defies logic.


We’re an Miro Enterprise shop, and are in serious discussions internally to leave Miro if this type of change isn’t reverted or given an option to set.

Yes, I have taught one person Miro and it does seem trickier now. I will be teaching larger groups Miro in the new year so I will update these threads when I have more data on onboarding users with the new update.

Unfortunately it doesn't look like Miro is open to changing this new feature based on our feedback as in this post >

Miro said “It’s very likely that it’s here to stay” after hearing concerns.
