any way to chang permissions/access on many (100+) boards

  • 8 June 2023
  • 1 reply

Is there a way to change permissions on multiple boards?   Like, lots of them?!

I have projects set up with specific permissions for each project but all the boards inside those projects still show up for the whole team? Is this a bug? Any way to make all those projects only visible to the project team (without going into every board?!!?!)


My hope was to make a project private and add boards to it to “hide” them, but its not working… 

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@dborowsk - It sounds like your boards “Team” share permissions are set to allow team members to view, comment, or edit boards, so this is expected that “board” permissions are overriding “project” permissions. The only time a project permissions override board permissions is what you are not sharing the board with the team or a member(s), but you have set the project to allow one or more member to access any boards that reside in the project.

If you haven’t already, I would suggest that you change your default board and project sharing settings so that only the person who created them can see them - more on this here:


Is there a way to change permissions on multiple boards?   Like, lots of them?!

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