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Hi everyone!

I’ve been experiencing the same problem for approximately a week now: I can’t choose any other tools apart form the pointer on the boards! I used to swipe up/down to pick a pen or any other tool, but now it just won’t move.

I use a browser version.

I’m really confused because the only thing I can do now is paste pictures and move them. Very frustrating..

Please, help!:sweat_smile:


@Polina Isaeva -

Are you the owner of the boards? Is it possible that the owner has removed your edit access to them? Can you try using a different Miro access method (e.g. incognito browser, different browser or Miro desktop app)?


@Kiron Bondale 

Kiron, thank you for your answer! Yes, I’m the owner of the boards, I’ve tried to log in and out several times, reset and change my password, incognito mode, a different browser (normally I use Google Chrome) - nothing works

I really need the browser version to work :(
