
Admin right transferred accidentally

  • 14 July 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi! I am having trouble with my account. I used to have a free account and 3 boards and a team (I was adding e-mails to it). On 4th of June the company I taught students for incorporated my e-mail into their enterprise account without my knowledge or consent. The company is big and it is impossible to track responsible people. It seemed I could create another location to move my private boards. But it turned out that I am no longer an admin of my team - one student who created his own boards and invited me to them became an admin of the team that I have created. How could it have happened? And how do I gain the control of my boards and team again?
Thank you

2 replies

Thank you so much!!!!:pray:

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Viktoriia - When a user creates a new Free Plan team, e.g., at the time of a new Miro account creation, that user will be have the Team Admin role and all users added after will have the Member role.

Once a Member is granted the Team Admin role, they can do anything they’d like - remove other admin’s privileges, even delete the team entirely. There is essentially no ownership over a Free Plan team.

If you are no longer a Team Admin on your Free Plan team, there is nothing you can do about this. However, you can still move copies of boards from your current Free Plan team to a new Free Plan team. To do this, you will essentially  create a new Free Plan team using a different email address that is not associated with any account profile with Miro.

Here’s how:

  1. Sign up for a new Miro account using any email address, creating a new Free Plan team in the process - call this NEW TEAM
  2. Then add your existing email address as a member on that NEW TEAM.
  3. Make that new Member a Team Admin.
  4. While signed into Miro using your current email address, right-click on any boards that you are the owner of and want to move to NEW TEAM and select “Move to account” and select NEW TEAM. If you are not the board owner and want to move a board, right-click on it and Duplicate it. The use “Move to account”
  5. Once you are done, you can leave your own Free Plan team that you are no longer the Team Admin of. Click on the Team profile settings button, scroll down, and use the Leave team button.
  6. Now you will only have the NEW TEAM team listed in your Miro dashboard. You can leave the Team Admin user that you just used to create this new team as a member on this team, or you can remove that user from the team.
