Need a filter for boards NOT in Projects - top level of team

When I look at the list of boards for a team, I don’t want to have to mentally sort through which boards are part of a project, vs at the top level. As far as I can tell, there is no way to filter on just the top level. There are 2 choices to see the boards in a Team:

All boards

Select one of the projects to see just the boards for that project

Why no choice to see boards not in projects???


Upvoting this idea, because we run into this quite often now, because the amount of boards we make are increasing.


We wish to have a filter added to the "Boards in this Team" so that it only shows boards NOT belonging to a Project.
We have many boards tackling different goals, not all boards can be grouped into a Project.
Some goals we want to tackle can reside in one board and creating one project per board is not doable for us.

Seriously, how is this still not a thing yet… I also have a looot of boards, and am constantly trying to find specific older boards, digging through all my projects without being able to see them — only to eventually realise (after struggling for ages and typing in random key words in the search bar) that it was simply not placed into a project.


Being able to filter these out and categorise them would be SO HELPFUL! Even just a toggle, perhaps? Or an option in any of the drop-downs? Anything!

To be honest - board management is now an absolute joke!!