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From Azure Cards filter on/search in a single Azure DevOps project only

We started using Azure Cards in our Miro boards and are now running into some practicalities. One of them is caused by the fact that we have a lot of projects in one Azure DevOps organization and most of the projects are open/readable to all of our staff.

As a result, when adding a story using Azure Cards, we see all stories of all projects.

It would be nice to have an option to filter the list of stories to only show the stories that belong to a particular Azure DevOps project.

I could now find the ability to filter by project next to search functionality. Not sure if it was not an option when it was raised by @Addie Janssen 8 months ago. You can probably check this now to see if it helps.


That is exactly what we were looking for when I raised the topic.

So, tick in the box; on to the next one.




Support for Queries would be super helpful like it is currently supported by Mural

Would also solve the suggesting described here for us:

How to add multiple DevOps cards using Azure Cards to Miro under the Enterprise Plan | Miro


Thanks for taking the time to submit this idea @Addie Janssen! We’ve made some updates to Azure DevOps. To learn more about this feature and all other Miro product updates, join us on March 13 or 14, for our What’s New Product WebinarYou’ll hear directly from our Product Marketing team about how you can use these features to just make work, flow ✨

Hope you all can join us for our What’s New Product Webinar too @Gnanakumar Thavamani @Daniel Sack!