Embedding a Picture-in-Picture View

Ok, bear with me while I try to get this idea out of my head. I ran a workshop recently and created a leaderboard to track results in one area. Part of the workshop had the team doing an activity, and they were to record their score and do a quick dot vote at the end. 

I had to ask them to record the result of their activity next to their workspace, and then again in the leaderboard. And when were were debriefing, we had to jump around on the board from activity to activity.

What I was thinking would be a neat feature is to create a single space on the board that would show content from other areas of the board (or other boards). Like picture-in-picture. I thought the iFrame embedding would work on a Miro Board, but it requires that you hit play on the iFrame space and then do some nagivating on the Miro Board embedded within a Miro Board (Miroception).

Here is the leaderboard I created for my workshop:

A leaderboard. Yep. That’s it.

I created links to the Team Debrief for each team (10 different links) and then had to create BACK TO LEADERBOARD buttons on each workspace. This was a lot of jumping back and forth. What if, in the grid where LINK appears, it was instead a live snapshot of the debrief itself. Like this:

Another Leaderboard. This one is different somehow.

When we have breakout groups in workshops with activities, we need to space them out to give people space to work. But this works against us when we ware trying to find a particular workspace to summarize results. If we could put a frame around the workspace or part of this workspace, and have that frame project the content into a master view, we could summarize in a flash. This would work for presentations as well, you could create frames for a presentation that would just show progress of the work being completed on the board. So it is always up to date with the most recent work, and you don’t have to go digging around to see what has been done.

I’m so frustrated that I can’t say this any clearer. And maybe it’s a bad and useless idea. Set me straight Miro Community!!!

Me too… exactly what I want.

Would also love a feature like this. Our product team has two boards - one for our team’s use for prioritization & discovery work, and a ‘cleaner’ board where we broadcast our roadmap to internal stakeholders. 

I’d love to have the ‘broadcast board’ act similar to the description above, where the actual roadmap was on our Product team’s internal board, and the bard shared with stakeholders was simply a live-replication of that. 

@Jonathan White How can this have so few upvotes?? It's a great idea!

I found this thread - looks like a popular feature request:

@Bonfire_Baker Yeah, but that one is about board-in-board. If I interpret Jonathan's idea correctly, it's about displaying content in a frame in another part of the same board. 🙂

Haha, it is all about visibility @Henrik Ståhl, we need the right people to see this and then understand the request. It’s a pretty specific use case, but like many great Miro tools and techniques, you won’t think about it until you need it, or you won’t know you need it until you see it in action.

This improvement would just keep folks from jumping all over a Miro board to see what different groups worked on, and so it could be an excellent way to summarize the work done.