How Do You Miro? Retrospective Templates Challenge 🔮
Hi Miro Heroes
Last month, Miroverse turned the grand old age of one, and it got us thinking about how far we’ve come — and how far we still have to go. We used this milestone as an opportunity to reflect on the successes and failures of the past year, drawing insights to help us better prepare for the future of Miroverse.
Teams familiar with the Agile methodology call this process a “retrospective” and typically don’t wait for a whole year. Some find it’s most useful at the end of an entire project, quarter, sprint, or event.
Today, we’re kicking off the next Miro templates contest: How Do You Miro? Retrospective Templates Challenge This contest is all about reflection and learning. We’d love to see your favorite activities for looking back and envisioning the future, so please share your best retrospective examples with the community on Miro.
Challenge details
Submission period: June 1-28
Voting & judging: June 28 - July 5
Winners announced: July 5
Voting & judging
Judges' Choice will be awarded by our panel of expert judges. Submissions are judged on their ease of use, layout, and that special fun factor.
People’s Choice award will be based on top likes under the comment here in the online community. Make sure to vote for your favourite template by July 5
Winners will be featured on Miroverse and in a roundup blog post on the Miro Blog
How to participate
To enter, please add a comment in this thread with the following details:
Your full name
Role and company
Miro board embedded with your template (view access)
Instructions on how to use the template
lOptional] 1-3 min video overview of your template
Entry requirements
Created and designed using Miro
All information must belong to the board owner (we will reject all submissions containing copyright-protected content on board)
Must be in English
Your template must be submitted to Miroverse before the challenge deadline
By participating in the challenge, you agree that your submission may be published and used for promotional activities by Miro
Community Guest Judge: @Johanna Torstensson- certified professional Agile Coach in Sweden passionate about coaching and team dynamics. Her mission is to create opportunities for teams to collaborate, where they leave the workshop or meeting with energy and a feeling of really having accomplished something awesome together. See Johanna’s Sailboat Retrospective Template in Miroverse
Miro Knowledge Expert: @Lindsey Meredith - Product Marketing Manager at Miro. Lindsey has worked closely with Product and UX teams for the last seven years on developing and implementing remote collaboration practices in their teams. See Lindsey’s Facilitating Agile Retrospectives Workshop template in Miroverse
Miroverse Team Judge: @Mariam Danielian - Mariam coordinates the content production for Miro templates and oversees Miroverse templates library publications. She is inspired by the creativity of Miro users who turn an endless empty canvas into a universe of their own creation and is passionate about sharing their work with others.
Happy collaborating and good luck!
The template is awesome! Can I use/copy it?
All templates should eventually be added to Miroverse, so please stay tuned! If you need this template right away, please reach out to the author directly.
Can I post more than one template?
How to embed the board?
It’s easy! All you need to do is to choose Embed media under the three-dots menu and paste the Miro board URL. Make sure to accept cookies to be able to embed the board.
Check your board’s Start view as it defines the board preview in the embed. You can set the start view by right-clicking on a blank space on the board and choosing the corresponding option.
I can’t embed the board. ‘The provided domain is not supported’ error
Please accept cookies in order to be able to embed the Miro board.
Can I win both prizes?
No, one submission can’t win both awards. If there’s such a case, then the People’s Choice will go to the submission with the second largest number of likes.
An agile retrospective: Marvellous comic book edition
Your full name - Steven Sampson-Jones
Role and company - Agile Coach on Universal Credit, UK Government
Miro board embedded with your template (view access) - Embedded below, and submitted for approval to the Miroverse.
Instructions on how to use the template - facilitation guide is built into the template. Bonus content, my first ever YouTube video can also be seen below "walking the board".
'Marvel' at my hand-drawn illustrations (8.5 hours/9000 pen strokes), which I've built to replicate reading a comic book into Miro. A first of its kind, to my knowledge shared with the community. I'm sure this brings back some nostalgia for many readers, and this particular format captures my own personality traits and love for drawing, visual/remote facilitation and Agile delivery. I hope y'all enjoy using this fun template as much as I did putting this idea into motion.
Your full name: Martina Bonetti
Role and company: Service designer @Accenture Interactive Amsterdam
Here is my design team’s end of the year retrospective template :) After a whole year away from the office, we all felt a need for connection and belonging. This is why our yearly retrospective was studio-themed!
The whole virtual workshop space is an illustration of our beautiful building. I sprinkled pictures of some rooms and some colleagues to bring up some memories and set the mood.
The session starts by entering the front door, and as you progress through the exercises you move through different rooms and make your way up to the top.
For the session wrap up the exercises continue in the nearby building, which represents our team’s favourite bar, where every Friday we would have drinks.
Instructions: The session is organised in two parts, which can be run as separate shorter workshops.
Session 1 - Individual reflection The aim of this section is allowing every team member to reflect on how the year went. In order to allow everyone to share, it’s recommended to split the group into breakouts of maximum 4. The first exercise is a warm up to recollect highs and lows of the year. The second exercise focuses on projects in order to find what makes a good or a bad one, and inform our leads on how to better staff the team and ongoing issues. The third exercise looks at skills and asks everyone to think of what they like applying, what they want to learn and what they could teach others. The result of this exercise will allow the team to set up knowledge sharing sessions throughout the year and organise appropriate trainings. The conclusion wraps up the individual reflection setting actions and prioritising what to start doing in the next year.
Session 2 - team reflection The second part of the workshop aims at painting the current status of the team and it is to be run with the full group. The first exercise maps every team member’s core skills to identify strengths and weaknesses, which will help informing training and hiring decisions. The second exercise focuses on team activities and cultures, and it aims at creating actions for everyone to pick up as a group. The third exercise is a group prioritisation that sets goals for next year and creates accountability for the team. The conclusion is a mission statement for the next year, which every team member can use to remember actions and motivations.
More instructions can be found within the template.
I hope more teams can personalise this template to represent their own culture and enjoy a moment of reflection :)
Inspired by Pixar's VICE VERSA, this retrospective is perfectly suited to teleworking teams wishing to inspect the way they work and gain efficiency.
Participants describe it as very dynamic, fun and effective.
JOY, SADNESS, FEAR, ANGER and DISGUST accompany the team in 5 workshops to help them build a SMART action plan in a good mood.
This is the time to welcome the participants, introduce them to the characters, align them on the mindset to be adopted in the retrospective, and take everyone's emotional temperature and give everyone a voice
This is the moment to recall what has happened since the last retrospective or since the beginning of the period under discussion. This step allows you to retrieve all the useful data for the future and to position them on top of the timeline if they are positive and below if they are not.
This is the time to come up with ideas that we can then turn into SMART action. As COLERE says, all ideas are good, so let's not be afraid to submit them
This is the time to write down really actionable items and commit to them. This step is easier when all the previous steps have been completed.
We end here with a management 3.0 tool (Happiness Door) that combines the happiness index and the feedback door. This little game allows you to thank the participants for their work and to ask them for their feedback before leaving.
Your full name - Steven Sampson-Jones
Role and company - Agile Coach on Universal Credit, UK Government
Miro board embedded with your template (view access) - Embedded above, has been submitted for approval via Miroverse. All visuals have been drawn and produced by yours truly, or put together using Miro’s sticky-notes!
Instructions on how to use the template - Set the stage - The (Optimus) Prime Directive - set expectations and contribute towards the psychological safety of the session. Icebreaker - “This or That” conversational exercise, which will help build people connections and allow participants to find their voice at the outset. Generate insights - Participants add suggestions, concerns and kudos through the visual prompts; Sonic - iteration/pace of delivery), Donkey Kong - overcoming hurdles, Super Mario (Powered-Up ways of working and colleagues), Crash Bandicoot - how are the team damaging themselves or their users and Cuphead/Mugman - how effectively do we work as a team?
Decide what to do - Affinity sort stickies into related groups and allow time for participants to use the Pac-Man (hand drawn) voting counters for them to distribute as they wish. 20-40 minute brainstorm and discuss experiments to take into the next sprint/timebox.
Close the show - return of time invested/fist of five, was this format/session a Hi-Score on the “Arcade Leadboard”. 1st place (1 finger - excellent) to 5th place (4 fingers and a thumb - must do better).
Hi here is our ‘Richer Retrospectives’ Miro board….
Your full name: Laurence Wood
Role and company: Digital Leadership Coach with North Highland UK
This informal retro is fast to learn. It helps teams to discuss their challenges, assess their performance, and decide on an improvement they wish to focus on next. The orange universal cards help any team using any approach. Teams adopting Agile will value the green fusion cards. The pink cards are Agile-specific for more mature teams. Facilitators sometimes review the cards in advance and stack them so that players are not distracted by reading ahead. Putting the most pertinent cards at the top can help engage the team quickly.
Gather together and read out the instructions:
Take turns to read out a card. Discuss and decide which heading to put it under. There are no right answers - rich conversations and focussed improvements are key. You don’t need to play all the cards in your first session.
Reserve the last 10 minutes to decide as a team which is the most interesting item - the one that you all want to focus on improving next. Some teams use the dots to vote. Highlight it using the Focus target icon. Consider adding stickies showing owner, task etc.
Discuss how you all hope this card will move across the board as you improve. Ensure that you can measure success. Consider writing a clear goal together. Agree when you will next reassess the focus item to see if you have improved. Repeat the activity above soon - you will accelerate and evolve how you use it in your context. Tweet ideas or questions to @AgileLozenge
The prizes will soon be on their way to the winners and all the participants who followed the entry requirements. The winners will also see a new badge in their community profile soon
We want to thank everyone for participating in this challenge and sharing your awesome boards! Most of these templates will soon appear in our Miroverse and will become available to all Miro users.
Stay tuned for the next challenge! And if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe to this category to receive an email notification when we launch a new contest.
Have a good one
Hey Miroboard designers and especially @Steven Sampson-Jones@Clyde D'Souza@Martina Bonetti@Chris Stone@nagrap@GuillaumeL@Laurence Wood@DWestgarth@Crystal Watson
I had the honor of being the Community Guest Judge in this challenge. After browsing Miroverse as prep for this task, I knew there were lots of talented people out there designing virtual boards. But not like this…😲 Wow, I´m totally blown away of all your creativity and deep knowledge of the building blocks of a successful Retrospective template! 🚀
Thank you everyone who participated in this challenge and big congrats to the winners!
🥇Clyde D´Souza with his creative and playful “Retrospective in the Island of Golocans” were you as participant are exploring sweets fruits, hidden gold and hopefully find message in a bottle on the Islands. But, be aware… there might be pirates 🏴☠️ on the shore! Excellent job creating an exciting journey to make the Retrospective extra fun!
🥇Steven Sampson-Jones with his beautiful hand-drawn “Marvellous Retrospective” illustrations 🐱🏍, while all the steps for a successful Retrospective outcome was included in the template. A design that will boost the participants to be creative during the retro session for sure. Well done!
You all made an amazing contribution to this challenge, and I´m so happy to have you in my network.
Cheers, Johanna Torstensson (Agile Coach in Sweden)
Congrats @Steven Sampson-Jones. Your board is awesome. You deserve it :-)
That’s fantastic news—thank you, judges!
Absolutely fantastic @Steven Sampson-Jones - love it. You make my life so much easier……...
I am fairly new to Miro and was amazed at the boards that were submitted. I have learned more about using Miro by reviewing these boards. I have also been challenged to up my retrospective game. Congratulations to the winners, you deserved it.
Looking forward to seeing retrospectives taken to the next level! Retrospectives are one of the most popular templates @ Miroverse so I can’t wait to see what you will come up with
We will be looking for creative, visual and innovative approach that will make retros much more fun and helpful for teams!
The Dungeons N Dragons Retro
Your full name - Chris Stone
Role and company - Enterprise Agile Coach - The Virtual Agile Coach
Miro board embedded with your template (view access) - Embedded above
Instructions on how to use the template - Included in the template
Entry number 2 of many ;)
The Aussie Animals Retro
Your full name - Chris Stone
Role and company - Enterprise Agile Coach - The Virtual Agile Coach
Miro board embedded with your template (view access) - Embedded above
Instructions on how to use the template - Included in the template
Entry number 1 of many ;)
That’s fantastic news—thank you, judges!
Congratulations Clyde!
Thanks for the opportunity to showcase our work Mironeers, congratulations @Clyde D'Souza.
Always a pleasure seeing @DWestgarth, @Chris Stone and @nagrap’s work and creativity. Shout out also to @Martina Bonetti and @GuillaumeL’s templates, I’ll be test driving them myself later this week.
Much love.
These look fantastic @Steven Sampson-Jones
Hi @Chris Stone, @DWestgarth, @Martina Bonetti, @Steven Sampson-Jones, @Clyde D'Souza@Laurence Wood , @GuillaumeL, @nagrap@Crystal Watson and all the guests of this challenge
Many thanks to all participants for sharing your amazing boards!
I’m here to tell you that we closed this thread for new submissions yesterday, and our judges take a week to choose the winner
Public voting for the People’s Choice is also open until July 4th (EOD), so let’s get voting! Please put a thumbs-up under the post if you like the template. Participants can also share a link to this thread with your network and get their support (NOTE: we only count the likes under your comment here in the Miro online community).
Stay tuned! We will get back to you on July 5th and announce the winners
Retro Name: Team Sustainability Retrospective
Your full name - Pardeep (aka Paddy) Dhanda
Role and company - Chief Visual Thinker @ Paddy Dhanda Ltd
Miro board embedded with your template (view access) -
Instructions on how to use the template - Details below.
This retrospective template was inspired by the 8th agile principle from the Agile Manifesto: Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. The retro uses the theme of sustainability through out the 5 step process which include a number of fun activities. This retro can be used by any Agile team that is looking to identify and eliminate wasteful activities.
In line with the theme of sustainability, the visuals have recycled as many of the standard built in Miro features as possible.
How does the Team Sustainability retrospective work?
Each activity must be tackled in the order in which they are listed in the template over 5 key steps. Timings for the retro are flexible depending upon the size of your team, but typically it should be completed within 60 mins:
1) Step 1: Set the Stage - Kick off with 2 fun icebreakers by selecting which item you would take with you on a desert island, and gauge how the previous iteration went for you by picking the most relevant weather icon.
2) Step 2: Gather Data - The main part of the retro asks teams to identify what they are most proud of from the previous iteration to celebrate key successes. Then identify the most wasteful activities within the team by using the 7 Lean wastes.
3) Step 3: Generate Insights - Each team member should transfer their stick notes from the previous board to the most relevant circle of influence - this will help the team focus on the things that they have control over as a priority.
4) Step 4: Decide What To Do- Each team member should transfer their sticky notes within the sphere of influence that the team can control to the appropriate quadrant in this board. This will enable group consensus on the things the team wish to improve as part of the next iteration.
5) Step 5: Close the Retrospective- This is a fun way to end the retro where the team will identify commitments to make the world a better place. These could include any theme such as, how to help the environment by recycling more, helping others by having regular coffee catch-ups to improve their mental health, etc.
I hope you enjoy the Team Sustainability Retro!
An agile retrospective: Marvellous comic book edition
Your full name - Steven Sampson-Jones
Role and company - Agile Coach on Universal Credit, UK Government
Miro board embedded with your template (view access) - Embedded below, and submitted for approval to the Miroverse.
Instructions on how to use the template - facilitation guide is built into the template. Bonus content, my first ever YouTube video can also be seen below "walking the board".
'Marvel' at my hand-drawn illustrations (8.5 hours/9000 pen strokes), which I've built to replicate reading a comic book into Miro. A first of its kind, to my knowledge shared with the community. I'm sure this brings back some nostalgia for many readers, and this particular format captures my own personality traits and love for drawing, visual/remote facilitation and Agile delivery. I hope y'all enjoy using this fun template as much as I did putting this idea into motion.
Retrospective in the Island of Golocans
Your full name - Clyde D’Souza
Role and company - Software developer at Xero. Author of Mama, Tell Me a Story.
Instructions on how to use the template - Details below.
Embedded board:
The Island of Golocans has four very unique characteristics. The West has an abundance of sweet fruits, green hills and plenty of trees for some shade during peak summer. Apparently, the North of this island has some hidden gold coins near a lighthouse. In this region, one might spot plenty of starfish, too. The East coast is notorious for invading pirates — not all of them make it through the rough seas, though. The few that make it have to then climb up very uncomfortable rocks and only then will they be able to enter this island. Finally, the South Island, which is also known as Golifish, is connected with a wooden bridge. This region is very popular with voyagers who often come here and leave notes in glass bottles for future readers. They often also leave items of significance, like a compass, for guiding their journey to this island.
When performing a retrospective on the Island of Golocans, remember to cover all four directions:
Sweet fruits! What went well during the last sprint? Add a post-it note with your thoughts and celebrate your wins.
Hidden gold! Give your team a shout-out for the amazing work they've been putting in, the nuggets of information they provide, and for just being an awesome person to work with.
Pirates on the shore! This doesn't sound good, does it? Recall what didn't go well in the last sprint and write them down on each post-it note.
Message in a bottle! Record action points for the future. If you've thought of actionable items you and your teammates could work on to ensure that things can be better in the next sprint, make a note of them. If you have general ideas that can be implemented in the next sprint, make a note of them, too!
Have a pleasant time exploring this island!
This template and the instructions can also be found on Miroverse.
This board has been created to inspire, celebrate and connect women working in tech.
Your full name: Sandra Kaul
Role and company: Founder & Agile Coach at KIWIBLAU
Miro board embedded with your template (view access):
Instructions on how to use the template:
Silent brainstorming: Go through the questions, get to know these amazing ladies by following the links and write down your ideas and reflections
Travel around the board to generate some debate and discussion among the team.
Rate the Retro from 1 (what a waste of time) to 10 (awesome)
@DWestgarth It’s both a ‘slam dunk’ and 3 pointer!
An NBA Retrospective Session
Your full name - Dave Westgarth
Role and company - Digital PM, Civil Service
Miro board embedded with your template (view access) - Embedded below (Also has been submitted for approval via Miroverse)
Instructions on how to use the template - Stage 1 Icebreaker - Build the best 3v3 team possible on $12 budget then try and combine individual versions into the team selection (Don’t forget to name the team!) Stage 2 Retro Themes - Travel around the board covering several themes and feelings to spark debate and conversation Stage 3 Rate the Retro - Ratings from 1 (Waste of time) up to 5 (Productive and useful session)
Hopefully one the basketball and sports fans can get their teeth into!