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Hi Miro Heroes :sparkles:


Last month, Miroverse turned the grand old age of one, and it got us thinking about how far we’ve come — and how far we still have to go. We used this milestone as an opportunity to reflect on the successes and failures of the past year, drawing insights to help us better prepare for the future of Miroverse.

Teams familiar with the Agile methodology call this process a “retrospective” and typically don’t wait for a whole year. Some find it’s most useful at the end of an entire project, quarter, sprint, or event.


Today, we’re kicking off the next Miro templates contest: How Do You Miro? Retrospective Templates Challenge 🔮 This contest is all about reflection and learning. We’d love to see your favorite activities for looking back and envisioning the future, so please share your best retrospective examples with the community on Miro. 


Challenge details


:calendar:  Timing

  • Submission period: June 1-28

  • Voting & judging: June 28 - July 5

  • Winners announced: July 5

 :ballot_box:  Voting & judging

  • Judges' Choice will be awarded by our panel of expert judges. Submissions are judged on their ease of use, layout, and that special fun factor.

  • People’s Choice award will be based on top likes under the comment here in the online community. Make sure to vote for your favourite template by July 5 ☝️

:gift:  Prizes

  • Judges’ Choice - iPad & exclusive Miro branded cover & Apple Pencil 

  • People’s Choice - AirPods & exclusive Miro branded case

  • :sunglasses:  Miro swag to all participants

  • All submissions are considered for Miroverse 

  • Winners will be featured on Miroverse and in a roundup blog post on the Miro Blog


 How to participate


:pencil:  To enter, please add a comment in this thread with the following details:

  • Your full name
  • Role and company
  • Miro board embedded with your template (view access)
  • Instructions on how to use the template
  • lOptional] 1-3 min video overview of your template

:warning:  Entry requirements

  • Created and designed using Miro
  • All information must belong to the board owner (we will reject all submissions containing copyright-protected content on board)
  • Must be in English
  • Your template must be submitted to Miroverse before the challenge deadline
  • By participating in the challenge, you agree that your submission may be published and used for promotional activities by Miro


:nerd:  Judges

  • Community Guest Judge: @Johanna Torstensson - certified professional Agile Coach in Sweden passionate about coaching and team dynamics. Her mission is to create opportunities for teams to collaborate, where they leave the workshop or meeting with energy and a feeling of really having accomplished something awesome together. 
    See Johanna’s Sailboat Retrospective Template in Miroverse

  • Miro Knowledge Expert: @Lindsey Meredith - Product Marketing Manager at Miro. Lindsey has worked closely with Product and UX teams for the last seven years on developing and implementing remote collaboration practices in their teams. 
    See Lindsey’s Facilitating Agile Retrospectives Workshop template in Miroverse

  • Miroverse Team Judge: @Mariam Danielian - Mariam coordinates the content production for Miro templates and oversees Miroverse templates library publications. She is inspired by the creativity of Miro users who turn an endless empty canvas into a universe of their own creation and is passionate about sharing their work with others. 


Happy collaborating and good luck!  :rocket:


:question:  FAQs

The template is awesome! Can I use/copy it? 

All templates should eventually be added to Miroverse, so please stay tuned! If you need this template right away, please reach out to the author directly.


Can I post more than one template?



How to embed the board?

It’s easy! All you need to do is to choose Embed media under the three-dots menu and paste the Miro board URL. Make sure to accept cookies to be able to embed the board.


:bulb:  Check your board’s Start view as it defines the board preview in the embed. You can set the start view by right-clicking on a blank space on the board and choosing the corresponding option.


I can’t embed the board. ‘The provided domain is not supported’ error

Please accept cookies in order to be able to embed the Miro board.


Can I win both prizes? 

No, one submission can’t win both awards. If there’s such a case, then the People’s Choice will go to the submission with the second largest number of likes.


How to submit my template to Miroverse? 

Just go to and click Publish your board in the bottom right corner.



@Chris Stone Hahaha I’m sure the judges will be impartial 🙂 Now I know who to go to for retro templates inspiration. I’ve never played DnD in my life but THAT one, I might just learn how to play/do the DnD retro!

I had never played DnD before either! 

I am currently working on Jumanji board game and Trivial pursuit themed retros. Bringing fun back to the workplace!

If you need inspiration, check out the whole catalog of my retros here;

All freely available. No sign ups or restrictions

A Formula 1 Retrospective Session

  • Your full name - Dave Westgarth
  • Role and company - Digital PM, Civil Service
  • Miro board embedded with your template (view access) - Embedded below
    (Also has been submitted for approval via Miroverse)
  • Instructions on how to use the template - 
    Stage 1 Icebreaker - Attach an image of your dream car and explain to the team why you love it!
    Stage 2 Retro Themes - Travel around the board covering different themes and conversation topics to generate some debate and discussion among the team.
    Stage 3 Rate the Retro - Ratings from 1 (Waste of time) up to 5 (Productive and useful session)

Another sporty retro that will hopefully appeal to all of our motorsport/ car people! 😎🚙🚗


Really fantastic work @Steven Sampson-Jones , Love it. Can’t wait to use it for my teams

The Pride Retro

A brand new template as it’s Pride Month.

  • Your full name - Chris Stone 
  • Role and company - Enterprise Agile Coach - The Virtual Agile Coach
  • Miro board embedded with your template (view access) - Embedded above
  • Instructions on how to use the template - Included in the template

    - Explore through some of the underlying Pride themes where you could reflect as a team, the things you loved, the pride you have, as well as how you can enable each other to bring your whole selves to work.

    Also challenge yourselves to see how you could be greater allies to our LGBTQ colleagues


The Ramadan Retro

  • Your full name - Chris Stone 
  • Role and company - Enterprise Agile Coach - The Virtual Agile Coach
  • Miro board embedded with your template (view access) - Embedded above
  • Instructions on how to use the template - Included in the template

    - Explore as a team through some of the principles and practices of Ramadan where you could reflect as a team, build new habits together or promote greater balance. Also challenge yourselves to see how you could be greater allies to our Muslim colleagues.


@Chris Stone Hahaha I’m sure the judges will be impartial 🙂 Now I know who to go to for retro templates inspiration. I’ve never played DnD in my life but THAT one, I might just learn how to play/do the DnD retro!

@Chris Stone Those templateslook incredible, mate. All the best for the contest! 

The 4-Step Retrospective


  1. Your full name - Clyde D’Souza
  2. Role and company - Software developer at Xero. Author of Mama, Tell Me a Story.
  3. Miro board embedded with your template (view access) - The 4-Step Retrospective board
  4. Instructions on how to use the template - Details below.

Embedded board:



The 4-step retrospective board is intended to quickly add a simple retrospective template for your retro sessions. This covers the following four areas:

  • Let's appreciate others - Recognize your teammates for their fabulous work they've been putting in.

  • What went well? - Reflect and celebrate the various aspects that went well during the last sprint.

  • What can we do better? - Reflect on the things that didn't go so well and write down what would have been done better in that situation.

  • Actions for next sprint - Record actionable items that you and your teammates could do for the next sprint.

This template and the instructions can also be found on Miroverse.

Crystal Watson, Scrum Master, UMB

Let the team put post-its on what they think were a nightmare, was Stranger than Fiction, What was an unexpected twist.  It is up to the team member to determine if good or bad.  We then discussed and determined what we could improve.

@Steven Sampson-Jones Love this… your drawing skills put me to shame. 

@Chris Stone Those templateslook incredible, mate. All the best for the contest! 

I’ve created some 46 retro templates so far I believe, all available in Miro.

This competition could become the Chris Stone show if I’m not careful.. haha

Hi here is our ‘Richer Retrospectives’ Miro board….

  • Your full name: Laurence Wood
  • Role and company: Digital Leadership Coach with North Highland UK


Instructions on how to use the template:

This informal retro is fast to learn. It helps teams to discuss their challenges, assess their performance, and decide on an improvement they wish to focus on next. The orange universal cards help any team using any approach. Teams adopting Agile will value the green fusion cards. The pink cards are Agile-specific for more mature teams. Facilitators sometimes review the cards in advance and stack them so that players are not distracted by reading ahead. Putting the most pertinent cards at the top can help engage the team quickly.

  • Gather together and read out the instructions:
  • Take turns to read out a card. Discuss and decide which heading to put it under. There are no right answers - rich conversations and focussed improvements are key. You don’t need to play all the cards in your first session.
  • Reserve the last 10 minutes to decide as a team which is the most interesting item - the one that you all want to focus on improving next. Some teams use the dots to vote. Highlight it using the Focus target icon. Consider adding stickies showing owner, task etc.
  • Discuss how you all hope this card will move across the board as you improve. Ensure that you can measure success. Consider writing a clear goal together. Agree when you will next reassess the focus item to see if you have improved. Repeat the activity above soon - you will accelerate and evolve how you use it in your context. Tweet ideas or questions to @AgileLozenge

@Laurence Wood, good morning. 
Where can I get other examples of cards?
