Pen - don't hide toolbar after tool selection

When I select the pen / eraser / lasso the toolbar disappears. 

I frequently switch between pen colours, lasso, eraser, highlighter etc. Having to click on the main toolbar icon to bring up the drawing related tools is an extra tap/click I do 1000’s of times a day. 

I would be great if the pen / highlighter / eraser / lasso / pen size/colour sub-toolbar remained visible unless manually closed (X button).

Another approach might be to replace the “X” with a “Pin” (or “thumbtack”) icon.

This would allow the user to effectively say “I’m going to be doing a lot of drawing so keep this toolbar open”. That way, if a user is not using the tools in the Pen toolbar very often, they won’t be forced to close the Pen toolbar every time they select another tool from the Main toolbar.

I found your Idea after I had submitted mine (Need ability to "pin" the Pen toolbar to keep it open | Miro).

I agree that the Pen toolbar should not be automatically closing. It drives me nuts when I am primarily using a styus to draw yet I have to keep opening the Pen toolbar.

Have had the same need for a while as a cross-platform user this would be a great feature for may devices.

Also, since the auto-detection of inking, it continually keeps reminding me that I can just draw instead of hitting the menu, but since I have to hit the menu to do anything other than inking in the single default color to begin with I am always reading that message though I know about the capability.

It would be great if one could permanently dismiss the message after acknoledging it.