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In PlantUML, you can reference other PlantUML diagrams via the !include command.

See for more details.


In Miro at the moment, while you can define a diagram’s title in Miro by adding a name after @startuml (for example @startuml SysFutureState) , this is not the name of the file that gets created (is there a way to know the filename that gets created?). Every diagram gets given the name image.svg, even if you set this title.


If you try to !include SysFutureState (or !include SysFutureState!0) in another PlantUML diagram on the same board, it will not find the file.


I’m certainly not advocating for Miro to reveal it’s filesystem inner workings here, but if there was some way to reference other PlantUML diagrams you’ve defined in your board, this would mean that you could define a diagram once, import it in other places in your board, and if it was updated, you would simply need to re-render all your other diagrams that reference it.

At the moment, the only way to do this would be to copy and paste PlantUML code for your components everywhere where it’s required.

HI @Damiano Febbrarino


Thank you for submitting this idea! We appreciate your feedback, and our team will review it. This suggestion is now open for votes and comments.

For those just joining the conversation, if you believe this feature would be helpful for your workflow or business, please take a moment to vote and share your use case. This will help our team better understand the demand and prioritize accordingly.

Thanks again for helping improve Miro!

I vote for this feature. 

Our use case is to draw C4 diagrams and share components between diagrams so we won`t need to define them again and again.