Gradient background color of the widgets

Related products: Widgets

As an user I want to change the background color of my widgets to a gradient fill so that I can show depth and directional control over the elements.

Agreed - gradient fill on elements to show relationships, or dynamics between elements.  To communicate the range between two elements rather than binary options.

Very much agreed!  Things I’d like to see include: Linear + angle, radial, and user customiseable colour stops.  Google Drawings has a good gradient UI that could be used as a basis for this.


To get around this limitation, I’ve frequently added images to the board as a background.  Unfortunately this doesn’t cut it: they don’t scale to meet different user’s needs, they end up looking grainy (scaled beyond initial image size), they take too long to load.  As a result, the templates I create look much less professional than what I can do with other tools.

I wonder if anyone from miro can comment on where they are on the roadmap for this feature?   Thanks very much!

Ooh, I never even thought about it but gradients would be awesome! 👌

@John Grden Assuming it even is in a roadmap. I wouldn't bet on it. This is a wish list, after all – not a single-lane highway into the product team's backlog… 😉

Found this issue after the fourth time I’ve wanted to add a gradient to a diagram and haven’t been able to.  This would be a huge feature, and doesn’t even feel like it would be all that hard?

Pls pls pls

Agree, what a great idea for a feature! In the meantime, I’m making my own gradient outside of Miro and importing as an image to add as a background. 

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature. We appreciate your patience. Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments.
For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Thank you,
Miro Community Team

Definitely want this! It helps to show the integration of multiple ideas into an end point or “result”, showing a work flow and which teams are working on and collaborating on which things etc.

Super handy - please make it!

On top of the use cases others have given above, I think this would also add value to the existing company branding features such as the brand colour palette.

As someone who uses Miro to create workshop templates, internal presentations and designs for other internal communications collateral, I would like the ability to create gradients which conform to our company’s visual identity guidelines.  This would help me create continuity and consistency in my team’s output.

Ideally that would mean being able to set multiple gradient stops and transparency levels across the gradient.